Slip on my shirt,Slop on sunscreen, slap on my hat and have some shade. Have some food from the 5 food groups like egg on toast Eat cooked vegetables. Drink water
A healthy breakfast is: Egg, bread and a power shake. This is how you make it: You get a pot and then you get some rice malt syrup You cook the bread and put the egg on top And you get a plate to put the bread on. To make the power shake you get some frozen berries and you get a piece of banana. Add some coconut milk, yogurt and some milo. And you mix it up. ◦
Watermelon Dried raisons Fried rice Hummus and carrots Tomato
Fish on a stick and some pasta and some Prawns and some cooked vegetables. Broccoli and chopped up carrot. Water For dessert custard with peaches
Each day I need to do 20 mins of Exercise I can do gymnastics on Mondays but every day I can: Do 10 minutes of yoga each morning. Dance the Sid Shuffle I will go swimming most days, or do some stretching.