E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America NGI: luxury or Necessity? The EELA’ lessons Bernard M. Marechal (EELA-2 Project Coordinator) CETA-CIEMAT & UFRJ (Spain & Brazil) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Buenos Aires (Argentina),
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting e-Science before the DCI
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting e-Science with DCI
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Short history Several meetings (Rio de Janeiro, CERN, Itacuruca) in 2004, foreseeing a EU–LA Grid Project supported by EC EELA proposal prepared, submitted and approved in 2005 EELA worked hard and well during 2 years (2006 – 2007) EELA-2 prepared & submitted in 2007 and approved in 2008 EELA-2 will end on 31 March 2010 EC support: fade out in the future LGI / NGIs: fade in mandatory to support e-Science in LA on the long term
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Some thoughts Forget the “war” between Grid, Clouds, HPC, …. And think about DCI (Distributed Computing Infrastructures) GRID: Distributed Supercomputing Facility ($) HPC: Physically Localised Supercomputing Centres ($) GRID: more than computing resources (human networks, scientific collaborations Why a Grid if I have a cluster? And what about tomorrow??? Cores are important but human resources / skills are fundamental
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Some thoughts No stress, no fear: GRID is not a black hole … your resources (cluster) remain under your control GRID means “I do want to share” “I offer because I need” NGI bible Should be application independent Should be MULTI MIDDLEWARE (Middleware is not an issue, just a necessity) User demand as a seed (highway without cars!) Close / strong / … interaction / collaboration with NRENS and CLARA is a must
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Some thoughts Do not waste your energy with wrong target Industry should be “attacked” (tough job! Fear, Clouds, …) Argentina is mature (thanks, partially, to EELA and EELA-2) JRU exists Motivated people (researchers & engineers) are active Skilled people in GRID are available Impressive Governmental support (unique in LA???) There is a CA in Argentina (tough job !!!!!!) THE DANGER: “matches effect” and unresponsiveness ADAPT TO YOUR REALITY BUT NEVER COPY-PASTE !
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Argentina’s e-Science Collaboration (JRU) Members at present: LIDI, LINTI ( Fac, of Informatics UNLP), IFLP (CONICET- UNLP), Univ. Nac. Rio Cuarto, Univ. Nac. del Sur, UBA, HIBA (Hospital Italiano Buenos Aires), INNOVARED The Joint Research Unit already created with support from Secyt (now Mincyt)
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting An Example: The Argentinean RC The Resource Centre: EELA Computing Element 5 EELA dual-core Worker Nodes EELA 500 GB Storage Element EELA User Interface Middleware: gLite Managers: J. Bogado García and F. CeSPI Data Centre of UNLP High availability, high security, Redundant electrical power feed and cooling, racks and raised floor Gigabit LAN, 20 Mbps link to Internet 4 Mbps to Clara through a symmetric link to InnovaRed The process of integration of these resources in the EELA infrastructure has been in parallel with the learning process and training of the local people on the GRID technology, but it is finally ready!
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting The UNLP RC in EELA-2 Very modest resources but the first ones in Argentina in a pro- duction Grid infrastructure.
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Joint Research Units in EELA-2 no legal statusA Joint Research Unit (JRU) is a partnership for e-Science Collaboration, with no legal status as such, formed between entities of the same nationality and meeting the following conditions: –scientific and economic unity (internal MoU in place); –lasting a certain length of time (not linked to a particular project); –recognised by a public authority (minister, secretary of state, etc.). One of the major successes of EELA-2 Country# of JRU members in total# of JRU members in EELA-2 Argentina77 Brazil1814 Chile55 Colombia95 Ecuador55 France333 Ireland181 Italy142 Mexico98 Panama33 Peru77 Portugal53 Spain>507 Venezuela44 No JRUs were established in LA during EELA
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Applications distribution per country, continent and scientific domain (Y1) EELA-2 achievements - NA3
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Why is it possible? The EELAs –Trained users, tutors and administrators in LA –Disseminated the Grid culture –“Approached” Decision Makers –Proposed a model for long-term sustainability of Grid infrastructures in LA –Are currently looking for funds in EU (EC & CIEMAT) to help implementing the model during the next 2 years Conclusion It should work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buenos Aires (Argentina) NGI-AR Launching Meeting Last but not least Before the GRID I …… After the GRID We …..