Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Biodiversity in development cooperation Policy responses: EU Sustainable Development Strategy –Recognises importance (global) biodiversity European Consensus for Development –Environment and natural resources as focal area EU Biodiversity Action Plan (global biodiversity) EU Environment Integration Strategy by 2011 –Includes sustainable management of natural resources
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Environment integration approach Environmental considerations to be systematically incorporated in preparation of all strategic plans and programmes of EC development co-operation, in particular Country Strategy Papers. In-depth policy analyses on environment and natural resources important for cooperation dialogue with partner countries. Country Environmental Profiles and Strategic Environmental Assessments are important tools for integrating environment and are to be used systematically. Coordination and harmonisation within EU and with other donors (Aid effectiveness) Many opportunities within CSP – NIP: in rural development, governance, economic development… Necessity to enhance internal communication on EU commitments towards Biodiversity & Forests
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Environment –European Development Consensus 2005: Environment and sustainable management of natural resources can be both considered as a cross-cutting issue or focal sector, and developing countries should be assisted with MEA objectives –DCI: Thematic Programme on Environment and Natural Resources (ENRTP)
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Which financial instruments? Environment and natural resource management (biodiversity) should preferably be addressed through the respective geographical instruments: European Development Fund (EDF - Cotonou) DCI (Development Cooperation Instrument) and ENPI (European Neighbourhood Policy). Instrument for Stability Within EDF, allocations for each country (CSP), 6 regional (RSP) for 6 ACP regions (4 in Africa + Caribbean + Pacific), and one global (Intra-ACP).
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world ENRTP DCI basic act (art 13) indicative €804 Mln, increased to approx. 1 Bln € (2010) Biodiversity : –€ 30.6 mln –€ 72 mln promotion of Sustainable Forest Management. –€ 34 mln FLEGT) –€ 6.4 mln fisheries & marine/coastal resources –€ 6.5 mln ENPI Biodiversity. –In total, approximately €140 mln ENRTP
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world ENRTP Implementation Examples: –Biological corridor Cuba – Haiti - DR –Central Africa World Heritage Forest Initiative. –CITES Capacity building –Call for proposals 2009: Ecosystems South East Asia Invasive Species (OCT + SIDS)
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Other major biodiversity projects ECOFAC – Central African region Biodiversity in China Parc W West Africa Intra ACP 10 th EDF: Protected Areas and Access and Benefit Sharing
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Biodiversity as cross-cutting issue Burundi: focal area rural development with improvement water quality lakes and rehabilitation park Ruvubu Ethiopia: promote conservation, use and national and international valorisation of Ethiopian's (agro)- biodiversity in all parts of the country Benin – Technical Assistance to help set up financing mechanism for biodiversity conservations (parks) and also for accord Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger for management Park W
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Important tools Country Environmental Profiles: overview (+/- 40 pages of environmental issues, and recommendations on how these are to be addressed, both as cross cutting issue or through concrete activities Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA): upstream assessment of potential impact of activities in a sector as a whole (for example transport) EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment at project level.
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Next steps The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) –promote a better understanding of the true economic value and the benefits arising from biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides and of the linkages to poverty issues –develop tools and policies to properly value ecosystem goods and services and to make better use of economic incentives for the sustainable use of ecosystem services such as through market-based instruments Climate Change – REDD + (role forests and agriculture for mitigation) Review of ENRTP – next phase More rigorous implementation environment and natural resources guidelines
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Guidance Environment Integration Guidelines adopted (December 2009): preparation of Country Environmental Profiles and Environmental Assessments, more attention to climate adaptation (sector notes)
Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Information nterventionareas/environment_en.cfm nterventionareas/environment_en.cfm ment/index_en.htm ment/index_en.htm