1 Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 Thematic Programming.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Multiannual Financial Framework Thematic Programming

Thematic programmes under DCI (Proposal)  Global public goods and challenges (GPGC)  Environment & Climate change: 2,000 M€  Sustainable energy: 800 M€  Human Development: 1,260 M€  Food security: 1,790 M€  Migration & asylum: 450 M€  Civil society organisations and local authorities (CSO&LA): 2,000 M€

Thematic instruments (Proposal)  the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights: 1,578 M€ (excluding EOM: around 1,200 M€)  the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation: 631 M€  the Instrument for Stability: 2,828 M€ (programmable: around 700 M€)

Conditions  Complementarity  Conditions under DCI  objectives cannot be achieved through geographic programmes  global initiatives, global public goods & challenges, Union policy priority, international commitment;  multi-regional and/or cross-cutting actions  innovative policies and/or initiatives with the objective of informing future actions

How does it work in practice?  Global initiatives  May have an impact at national level (e.g. “vertical funds”)  HQ to ensure consistency with development strategies of concerned countries  If specific countries are targeted  Need to consult concerned EU Delegations  Compliance with concentration & complementarity

 Concentration  Preference: intervention in the 3 sectors covered by the MIP.  Exceptions: CSO & LA / EIDHR, or where justified: need to respond to EU’s goals and priorities, etc.  Complementarity  Not simple top-up of a sector of concentration  To add value-added which cannot be obtained by country MIP alone (e.g. innovation, different beneficiaries, multi-country approach, etc.)

Information on thematic programmes  Note to be sent to EU Delegation to provide information on relations between thematic and geographic programming and the main priorities for each programme/instrument.  Complementary to geographic programming guidelines

Recap Conditions  Objectives cannot be achieved effectively through geographic programmes, no geographic programme or where it has been suspended  Actions to address global initiatives, internationally agreed goals, global public goods and challenges and/or reflect a Union policy priority or international obligation or commitment  Actions that are Multi-regional and/or cross-cutting  Innovative policies and/or initiatives with the objective of informing future actions

Basic principles (1) TPs are used to develop policies at international and regional levels while geographic programmes focus on application and implementation of those policies at country level (2) Most focus on involvement of specific set of actors such as civil society organisations, international organisation, private sectors, researchers and think-tanks, contributing from their perspectives, to the development of policies

How TPs interact, add value to, & complement GPs  GPGC/Environment & Climate change International and regional levels Support to major international policy initiatives (e.g. carbon emissions, deforestation, land degradation) Support to actors in shaping EU policies Country level Support to actors to engage in dialogue, advocacy, monitoring of compliance with regulations (working with private sector) and implementation of commitments (e.g. FLEGT)

Human Development (Social sectors- health/education) International and regional levels Support to knowledge generation and dissemination Support to global and regional initiatives and policy dialogue platforms (e.g. the Global Funds to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and Global Partnership for Education) Country level Support to national policy making, sector reforms and development, knowledge dissemination, etc

Exceptions: Civil society organisations and local authorities programmes/EIDHR instruments Support for actions which reach remote communities that geographic programmes cannot reach  Support to CSOs and local authorities better placed to deliver more effectively than geographic programmes  Support to activities mainstreamed with other pro-democracy and pro-human rights activities under the geographic programme