Erasmus Mundus Partnerships - Action 2, Strand 1 Lot8 (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) Project: Euro-Asian Cooperation for Excellence and Advancement (Euro-Asian CEA) Application process
Presentation topics General information Benefits for a university Application process How to start Essential documents Partner search Who is involved Application form Useful links Success rate
General Information Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and a mobility programme in the field of higher education the enhancement of quality in European higher education; the promotion of the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning around the world; the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with Third Countries as well as for the development of Third Countries in the field of higher education.
Erasmus Mundus Actions in call 2013 Action 2: Erasmus Mundus Partnerships Action 2 – STRAND 1: Partnerships with countries covered by the ENPI, DCI, EDF and IPA instruments (former External Cooperation Window) Action 2 – STRAND 2: Partnerships with countries and territories covered by the Industrialised Countries Instrument (ICI) Action 3: Promotion of European higher education Projects to enhance the Attractiveness of European higher education
In 2012 – 15 lots
Benefits for a university Joining the Erasmus Mundus family Raising visibility and attractiveness of the university within EU and Third Countries Enhancing the Bologna System and recognition in Third Countries Establishing long-lasting links and relationships between partners and EM Alumni Exchange of knowledge and ideas Experiencing an intercultural experience Quality of students/ academics Financial benefits through participation fees
Application process How to start Essential documents Partner search Who is involved Application form
How to start Is the EM/ third countries a part of internationalisation strategy University/ Facuty/ Department approval and support to prepare a proposal to organise/co-finance a coordination team if the project is accepted Secure the long-term commitment of the academic and administrative staff involved To take advantage of the benefits
Official Website
Call for proposals
Action 2: Important documents
Call for Proposal
Programme Guide and Guidlines
Mobility type/ Thematic Field depend on the lot Mobility Type: Undergraduate Master Doctorate Post-doctorate Academic and non-academic staff Mobility from third countries to EU; in some lots also from EU to third countries. Thematic Fields - details in guidlines to the Call.
Action 2 lot 8: Partnership composition Minimum partnership: -5 EU Higher Education Institutions (HEI) from at least 3 EU Member States -Number of third countries HEI depends on the lot 20 partners is maximum/partnership Joint coordination Associate partners
How to find partners Existing bilateral partners in mobility projects Partners in other projects EM project partner(s) EM family EM partner search form
Partners in Euro-Asian CEA project
Thematic Fields of Study in lot 8
Application form and Annexes
Application form
Partners need to submit Identification form with details regarding the organisation + the role of the organisation in the project + key staff involved and their CVs + experience and technical capacity in managing international cooperation + thematic fields + partnerships statement with original signature and stamp
Coordinator needs to submit also...the same as partners and in addition: Declaration of honour signed by rector Experience with EU projects Annex 1Award Criteria and timetable for the implementation of the project activities Annex 2Budget Annex 3Partnership Statement Annex 4Project Summary Sheet Annex 5Bank Account Form Annex 6Legal Entity Form with annex
Annex 1: Award Criteria and timetable for implementation of project activities
Final proposal
Expert Assessment Manual
Who is involved Coordinators’ team: One person collects the data from EU partners and from Joint coordinator (organisation identification, CVs, references and similar) Joint coordinator is a link between coordinator and Third country partners At least one person for writing the content of the proposal Final proposal includes about 400 pages Start as early as possible Deadline: 15 April 2013
Tips Choose the geographical area Read the important documentations listed in the Call + Tempus info data on the area selected Follow the EM programme objectives, guidelines, experts manual – match proposal with call requirements Choose some experienced partners (EU, Third Countries and Joint Coordinator) Define roles and responsibilities Involve experienced individuals in the application process – especially in the Annex 1 part: award criteria and timetable for implementation of project activities
Tips Answer the „w“ questions – who, when, which activities, with what resources, why, etc. Keep it simple, clear and straightforward Convince with enthusiasm Make the proposal special Reserve a day for copying and scanning the final proposal Submit the proposal a week before deadline by express mail
Erasmus Mundus call newly selected partnerships in 2012 out of 156 Action 2 projects Success rate: 33,3% Nearly 1,000 HEIs participation (450 EU non-EU) Above 8,000 planned mobility (1,000 EU + 7,000 non-EU) We joined a family of around 200 partnerships.
Useful links Erasmus Mundus Erasmus Mundus selected projects Erasmus Mundus good practices Erasmus Mundus links Erasmus Mundus FAQ
Questions, comments, new ideas? Contact: Tel: (01)