Grid Initiatives for e-Science virtual communities in Europe and Latin America Introduction to GISELA and CHAIN projects Diego Scardaci (INFN – Catania) Joint CHAIN/GISELA School for Application Porting to Science Gateways 4-15 June 2012 Bogotà (Colombia)
222 GISELA as Resource Infrastructure Provider –General is much experienced in Grid computing has a powerful Infrastructure complies with EGI policies & recommendations –Specificity Sustainability approach GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
33 UNIANDES Third Parties UIS PUJ UFRJ Third Party CEFET-RJ 15 Countries (11 in Latin America) 19 Partners (14 in Latin America) 12 Third Parties (9 in Latin America) UNAM 3rd Parties CICESE ITESM IPN-CIC UNISON UPORTO 3rd Party Uminho REUNA 3rd Parties UFRO UTFSM CNRS 3rd Parties CPPM IPGP 3 The GISELA Consortium UNIANDES 3rd Parties UFRO UTFSM UFRJ 3rd Party CEFET-RJ GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Long record in e-Science support Fruit of 6-7 year experience of successful e-Science EU- LA Collaboration, through EU funded projects (EELA, EELA-2, GISELA) Present in almost all LA countries Most encompassing e-Infrastructure for scientific collaborations between Latin America and Europe Sound long-term sustainability approach rooted on CLARA, NRENs GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
5 Powerful e-Infrastructure in Latin America Year 1Year 2 Pledge “Extra” resources for the VO 5 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
66 EGI compliant Infrastructure Infrastructure MoU: (EGI – UFRJ-Rio on behalf of GISELA) –“Cooperate in e-Infrastructure operation activities such as “Global, Local services, and integration of the GISELA infrastructure within the EGI infrastructure” EGI compliance based on the adoption of common services and practices (MoU: EGI – UFRJ) –Middleware (gLite) –Resource database (GOCDB) –Operational Level Agreement (OLA) –Accounting System (APEL) –Monitoring System (Nagios) / Operations Dashboard –Ticket System (xGUS) GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
7 Sustainability approach GISELA is promoting tight integration of Network and Grid services over the LA continent, under the auspices of CLARA & LA NRENs. Sustainability approach –CLARA is developing, in addition to its current Network Services, new Advanced Computing Services (extension of GISELA Services) –By the e.o. GISELA, CLARA & NRENs take over the Operation of the e-Infrastructure and the Support of the Virtual Research Communities. –The instrument will be a Business Plan Based on GISELA organization / competence and best practices Adapted to the realities and specificities of LA countries. GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
888 GISELA: an opportunity for Virtual Research Communities –Platform for all kinds of Applications –User friendly VRC-driven Science Gateway –Tight collaboration with EGI and Regional Initiatives GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
99 Platform for all kinds of Applications / VRCs EELA-2 ended up supporting 61 Applications from 78 Institutions VRCs –LA User Communities, typically 1-2 Institution group(s), alone or collaborating with a few Institutions. –A few large VRCs from Life Sciences (e.g. WeNMR, Biomed), Earth Sciences (WRF4G, Seismic simulations) and HEP (Auger, LHC expts) –More than 200 scientific contacts in LA e.g. CLARA surveyed communities GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
10 The VRC-driven GISELA Science Gateway (1) Reason: hide / simplify the burden of interacting with the e-Infrastructure (AA mechanism, user interface, scripts..), with the clear intention to attract those potential users “frightened” by the lack of user-friendliness of the DCI interface The GISELA SG is a Web site which allows users to fully exploit the e-Infrastructure capabilities through a normal Web browser –Access from the Science Gateway using a pair username/password (provided by an Identity Federation) –Application submission simply filling a Web form. –Grid middleware independence GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
11 The VRC-driven GISELA Science Gateway (2) GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
12 Collaboration with EGI and Regional Initiatives Project MoU (EGI-InSPIRE - GISELA) –Framework of collaboration on VRC Coordination, Dissemination, Training, Support Tools & Services EGI-related projects / Regional Initiatives –CHAIN ( ) CLARA, INFN, CIEMAT also partners Focus on VRC support (e.g. Workshops, Conference) GISELA – CHAIN Conference: Mexico city: June 2012 ( –EPIKH ( ) (MoU) Brazil: CEFET/RJ, UFRJ, Chile: UTFSM, Mexico: UNAM Joint sponsoring / organisation of Tutorials & Workshops GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
13 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Outline General information and CHAIN vision Workplan State of the art analysis Data analysis and recommendations Virtual Research Communities Conclusions 14 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Regional Grid infrastructures CNGrid NKN & Garuda EUAsiaGrid SAGrid & SANREN GISELA 15 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
CHAIN: global coverage 16 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Project objectives Define a strategy and a model for external collaboration, in close collaboration with which will enable operational and organisation interfacing of EGI and external eInfrastructures Validate this model, as a proof-of-principle, by supporting the extension and consolidation of worldwide Virtual Research Communities Explore and propose concrete steps forward towards the coordination with other projects and initiatives (e.g., EUMEDGRID-Support, EUIndiaGrid2, LinkSCEEM2, NKN & Garuda, etc.) 17 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Project information Grant Agreement for a total EC contribution of 1.1 M€ Total cost: about 1.9 M€ Start Date: 1st December Duration 24 Months Partners: 1) INFN (Italy - Coordinator) 2) CESNET (Czech Rep.) 3) CIEMAT (Spain) 4) GRNET (Greece) 5) IHEP (China) 6) UBUNTUNET (Africa) 7) CLARA (Latin America) 8) PSA (India) 9) ASREN (Med./Middle East/Gulf) Since 1 August GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Project strategic vision A world-wide Distributed Computing Infrastructure can address big scientific challenges that are not manageable with departmental computing systems Virtual Research Communities can transparently access different kind of resources: scientific applications and tools, Data Repositories, down to CPUs and Disks. The vision is that of VRCs sharing resources ubiquitously across different administrative domains Regional e-Infrastructures should be made interoperable among each other. CHAIN is committed to promote and validate a proof-of-concept that addresses this 19 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
State of the art analysis (WP2) Analysis of existing NGI literature and related questionnaires Creation of the regional and NGI questionnaires Questionnaires being implemented and published online Collection of contact points from all continents Questionnaire is kept open and collection of contact points from all continents is continued Questionnaire data provided through the CHAIN Knowledge Base 20 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Knowledge base (WP2, WP5) 21 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Country view 22 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Data analysis (WP4, WP2) Number of sites and number of CPUs 23 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
WP2 Recommendations 74 Detailed recommendations classified by: –Short (1 year), Medium (3 years) and Long term (5 years) –High, Medium, Low priority –National Grid Initiatives (9): General (5); Regional (4) –Interoperations (14): General (1), ROC (3), User Support (1), Monitoring (3), Security (2), Core Services (2); Middleware (2) –Interoperability (2): General (1), Input/Output (1) –Virtual Research Communities’ perspective: General (2) –Regional planning (47): Africa (9), Asia Pacific (6), Central Asia (5), China (7), India (4), Latin America (5), Mediterranean & Arab Countries (11) 24 GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)
Identified VRC (1) Coordinator: Dr. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin – Universiteit Utrecht Structural biology, making use of NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering), computational modelling or other related techniques to study biomolecules We-NMR partners in red, collaborations in orange MoU signed on 21/09/2011 New contacts (WP2 survey) Burundi Costa Rica 25
Identified VRC (2) Coordinator: Dr. Antonio Cofiño – Universidad de Cantabria Meteorology and other Earth Science related areas willing to enhance their forecasting techniques on Idealized Simulations, Regional and Global Applications, Parameterization and Data Assimilation or Forecast and Hurricane Research Dissemination within CORDEX project WRF4G partners in red, collaborations in orange MoU signed on 19/09/2011 New contacts (WP2 survey) Burundi China Costa Rica Cuba ware/wrf4g 26
27 Thanks for your attention GISELA/CHAIN School for Application Porting June 2012 – Bogotà (Colombia)