Guide: DR. R. BALASUBRAMANI Assistant Professor Department of LIS Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli
INTRODUCTION Subject Gateway is an organized collection of resources on a given subject along with a retrieval mechanism. This essentially means that the scope of the search domain is well defined and limited to a subset of what exists in general. In the simplest form, the resources may be made available as a structured hyper-linked directory as followed by some of the search engines sites that offer directory services.
NEED FOR A PHYSICS SUBJECT GATEWAY In order to access information, students, researchers as well as teachers keep shuttling between e-books, e-journals, patents, theses, and so on. To give a bird’s eye view of various resources in the field of Physics, a single window service was conceptualized in the form of a Physics portal. It aims to provide information related to Physics and its allied subjects, through a single user interface and to access a wide variety of electronic resources in the field, scholarly information sources that are available in full text on the web.
To filter and organize the scholarly open access resources on Physics. To identify the web links of scholarly open access resources on Physics To provide the information exhaustively on physics to satisfy the subject specific needs of users. To provide single entry point for multiple resources on physics. To provide links for the leading institution and experts scattered over the net. To reduce the difficulty of using different search engines, by using this gateway. To make available the content information / data through network effectively to end-users. To provide easy access to information on the internet. To provide value-added information; To deliver relevant and up-to-date information through user-defined filters; OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
PLAN OF THE WORK To design the subject gateway of scholarly resources in physics with a special focus to researchers in physics. Researcher had a regular meeting with faculty and research scholars of physics department to know the requirements of their research. Based on their requirements, researcher has planned the subject gateway. Researcher started collecting all the scholarly open access resources from various internet sources on physics. Before adding to our subject gateway the researcher has evaluated the contents based on the following criteria.
COVERAGE: Subject : Physics subjects covered under the Science Acceptable Sources: Academic sources are all acceptable. Level: The Target group for included journals should be primarily researchers.
Content: A substantive part of the journal consists of research papers. All identified content available in full text. Access: All content freely available. Quality: For a journal to be included it must exercise quality control on submitted papers through an editor, editorial board and / or a peer-review system. Then selected all the evaluated content f or the uploading in to Webnode Free Website.
STEPS IN DEVELOPNG A SUBJECT GATEWAY Planning: The purpose, goal(s), target audience, content needed and the overall style wanted are outlined. Hosting service free or commercial is also picked up. What to use: What colours do we want to use? How to keep the look of our site consistent? Why content is so important? What graphics should we add? How will visitors navigate our site? How can we layout our pages? Colours: One should learn about using colour on the website, what the key to using colour is, what are browser safe colours, and what colours to use and not use.
Cont., Consistency: One should learn why website consistency is important and what roles our one colors, image styles, layout styles, navigation style, and footer play. Content: One should learn why ones website content is considered the most important aspect building of a website.
Graphics: With a careful selection of icons, bullets, and bars one can give the site a personality all its own. One should learn how to use graphics properly on website. Navigation: One should learn how to create a simple and effective system to navigate the website. Gateway style: Style is defined through layout, design and personalization of web pages. One should learn about the basic styles used for website design and which style is best suited according to the requirement.
Physics Subject Gateway Home Page /
CONCLUSION In the age of information explosion, when everybody is talking of information overload, satisfying users’ information needs in a simple, personalized and efficient way is becoming a challenge for library and information centres. Just subscribing to online sources does not serve the purpose until and unless the users are informed about them so that such resources are fully utilized. Hence, such portals are important as they are user friendly and provide information through a single window. It is extremely useful for researchers as they can find all the information related to their discipline at one place.