TROPICAL AFRICA AND ASIA 1200-1500. I. Tropical Lands and Peoples 1.Tropics= between Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. Much rainfall – West and Central.


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Presentation transcript:


I. Tropical Lands and Peoples 1.Tropics= between Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. Much rainfall – West and Central Africa, most of India – North Africa and NW India mostly dry desert 2.Human Ecosystems – Tropics cultivated crops like rice, wheat, millet – Arid areas depended on herding and traded for grain 3.Irrigation – In tropical regions, constructed dams, irrigation canals, and reservoirs. 4.Mineral Resources – Tropics used iron for tools/weapons – In Africa, copper very important; used to make wire and decorative objects

II. New Islamic Empires: Mali 1.Peaceful spread of Islam to Sub-Saharan Af. by conversion 2.Economy based on agriculture and control of trans-Saharan trade routes 3.Mansa Musa (r ) showed Mali’s great wealth on pilgrimage to Mecca 4.M M supported growth of Islam – Timbuktu center of Islam and trade

1375 Map showing trader and Mansa Musa holding a gold nugget. Caption identifies Mansa Musa as “the richest and noblest in all the land”.

Africa, 1200–1500 Many African states had beneficial links to the trade that crossed the Sahara and the Indian Ocean. Before 1500, sub- Saharan Africa’s external ties were primarily with the Islamic world.

II. Continued…Delhi Sultanate 1.Violent arrival of Islam – Turks conquer between – destroys Buddhism in India 2.Generally ruled by terror- Hindus never forgave brutal Muslim rule 3.Southern India still ruled by Hindus 4.Eventually conquered by Timur (Tamerlane, descendent of Genghis Khan!) in 1398

III. Indian Ocean Trade 1.Monsoon Mariners- used dhows and junks, improved compass 2.Africa Swahili Coast (E. Africa) had common lang. Great Zimbabwe produced gold for Indian Oc. Trade in Swahili Coast cities 3.Arabia- Aden and Red Sea Aden had central location and large grain production Trade was unifying factor, but sometimes Christians (Ethiopia) fought w/Muslims over trade control 4.India- Gujarat and Malabar Coast Gujarat exported indigo and cotton in return for gold/silver. Also a manufacturing center for textile, carpets, silk, leather goods.

IV. Social and Cultural Changes 1.Growth of states: Mali, Delhi, African cities, Ming China, Malay cities (Malacca). 2.Commercial expansion Trans-Saharan Trade= growth of Mali Indian Ocean Trade= growth of Kilwa, Mombassa, Mogadishu, Aden, Gujarat, Malacca 3.Spread of Islam- made easier due to trade connections. Unity through trade, not politically (e.g. Swahili Coast 4.Changes in art/architecture as cultural traditions and religion (Islam) are diffused

Ruins of Great Mosque, Kilwa

Ethiopia- King Lalibela had churches carved out of solid volcanic rock

Great Mosque, Mali

5.Language- Arabic spreads to many African states. Swahili (E. Africa) and Urdu (India) develop. Both combinations of Islam with local languages. Urdu main language in Pakistan today 6.Centers of Learning- Timbuktu, Delhi, Malacca 7.Islam spreads through trade- destroys Buddhism in India Develops differently in Africa, India, Indonesia