Pre-Historic Africa
Kingdom of Kush [295 BCE – 320 CE] Nubia [modern-day Sudan]
Pyramids of Kush at Meroë
Kushite in Egypt, 23 BCE
Kingdom of Axum [ ]
Christian Church, Lalibela [Ethiopia]
Coptic Christian Priest
AXUM’S ACHIEVEMENTS Controlled NE African Trade Written Language Spread Christianity in No. & E. Africa Terrace Farming
Our Main Focus!
Berbers GOLD SALT Major Focus: Gold-Salt Trade
Gold “Money”, Ghana/Ivory Coast Ghana Empire [4c-11c] – “Means King”
Key Economic Info - Ghana Known by Europeans as therichest kingdom in WesternAfrica Use of camels in trade createdriches!
Key Economic Info - Ghana Exports : slaves (from captives), peppers and gold (not mined,but taxed by kings passingthrough empire Imports : horses, silk, cotton and...
Salt Why is it so important?
Mali Empire [13c-15c] (rose out of Ghana’s decline) GOLD SALT
Mali Very similar to Ghana Islam grew in region – most merchants and gov’t officials were of the Muslim faith Timbuktu – key city and major hub of trade and Islamic education
Timbuktu-”Heavenly Clay”
Timbuktu Rooftop, Mosque
Marketplace near the Niger River
Mosque in Gao
Great Mosque at Djenne, Mali
Distant Mosque at Djenne, Mali
Sundiata [ ] “Lion Prince”
Mansa Musa [r ]
European Map
Songhai Empire [15c-16c] GOLD SALT
Songhai (or Songhay) Had seceded from Mali in 1375 Great traders and warriors Last and largest of western Sudanese empires
Sunni Ali [r ] First leader after capture of Timbuktu Led building of Songhai Empire
Askia Mohammed [r ] Led successful revolt against Sunni Ali’s son Enlarged empire significantly
Askia Mohammed’s Tomb [ ] Gao, Mali
Thank you Ms. Susan M. Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY