What is the Specialty Crop Competitive Grant (SCCG)?
What is a SPECIALTY CROP? Vegetables Fruits and Tree Nuts Culinary Herbs & Spices Medicinal Herbs Floriculture Nursery Crops Trees Livestock Dairy Feed/Fuel Grains Hay Aquaculture
WHO SHOULD APPLY? For/Non Profit Organizations Government Entities Industry Trade Associations Universities Producers Producer Groups
POTENTIAL PROJECTS A targeted marketing campaign Market or product research designed to enhance variety knowledge Document publication Efforts to enhance consumer awareness through information documents, websites, or videos. Efforts that encourage/support the use of Alaska Grown specialty crops in school lunches, restaurants or other underutilized outlets.
What is a SPECIALTY CROP? Vegetables Fruits and Tree Nuts Culinary Herbs & Spices Medicinal Herbs Floriculture Nursery Crops Trees Livestock Dairy Feed/Fuel Grains Hay Aquaculture
Specialty Crop Competitive Grant Competitive Grant Letter Competitive Grant Application Requirements Competitive Grant Outline Competitive Grant Policies Competitive Grant Review Criteria Competitive Grant Sample Proposal
Application Requirements DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number Legal Name Headquarters name and address for your organization Doing business as (DBA) or other name by which your organization is commonly known or recognized Physical Address, City, State and Zip Code Mailing Address(is separate from Headquarters and/or physical address) Telephone Number Contact Name and Title Number of Employees at your physical location
Application Requirements Funds cannot be spent prior to award, receipts must be dated post-award. Application must be typed. PROBLEM STATEMENT – why is this project needed? MEASURABLE OUTCOMES – how are you going to show us that the project worked? CLEAR BUDGET COLLABORATOR - Who supports this project?
Concept Paper Outline Problem Statement Goals & Objectives Project Description Measurable Outcomes Budget
CONCEPT PAPER OUTLINE Problem Statement What is the specific issue, problem or need to be addressed? Why is the project timely and important? Goals & Objectives What do you hope to accomplish with the project? Who are the beneficiaries and what is the overall impact of the project work? How many producers are involved with or support the project?
CONCEPT PAPER OUTLINE Project Description Provide a work plan of how you plan to accomplish the goals of the project. Include a timeline for completing the activities and the names of who will accomplish the activities. Measurable Outcomes How will you measure the success of the project? What do you expect the measurable outcomes (results) to be?
BUDGET Cost Category Requested Dollars Cash MatchIn-Kind Match Subtotals Personnel (Salary & Benefits) Contractual Services Supplies (printing, mailing, etc.) Travel OTHER SUBTOTAL TOTAL:XXXXXXX
Program Policies Any information obtained, data derived and reports resulting from a project funded by this grant must be made available to the public. No administration costs may be allotted in project budget. Travel and other expenses must follow federal and state guidelines for use of federal funds, as defined by OMB Circular A-87, or other relevant policies. Grant funds may not be used to fund political activities in accordance with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C and ). Projects are for up to two years in duration. The Alaska Division of Agriculture (Division) must be notified at least 60 days prior to the ending date of the project if for any reason the project cannot be completed within the timeframe established in the grant. The applicant must provide progress reports, with expenditures to date, as outlined during the contract process.
Program Policies The Division reserves the right to: Reject any or all proposals received; Withhold any payments that do not meet grant conditions; and Require return or refund of grant monies used for expenditures that are not allowed or unauthorized.
Program Policies Grantees must obtain prior approval from the Division if there is: 1) any revision of the project scope or objectives after a project is funded; 2) need to extend the project period; or, 3) changes in key persons associated with the project.
Review Criteria Quality of Proposal Active Participation from Industry Budget New & Innovative Professional Collaborator Active Management Previous Projects
What is a SPECIALTY CROP? Vegetables Fruits and Tree Nuts Culinary Herbs & Spices Medicinal Herbs Floriculture Nursery Crops Trees Livestock Dairy Feed/Fuel Grains Hay Aquaculture
NEXT STEP Application available = Mid February Funding amount for 2012 = Up to $20,000 Application deadline: Mid April Funding awarded : FALL 2012