The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery GFDRR’s New MDTF and Work Plan Luis Tineo, Sr. Operations Officer
Funds: World Bank’s Trust Fund Reforms have allowed action to: Strategically reduce fragmentation of the trust fund portfolio; Ensure trust funds respond to country development objectives and are integrated into the country programs; and Increase medium-term predictability of resources to clients. TrackTrust Fund Closing Date of Trust Fund Closing Date of Grants Approved Balance (US$ Million) Track II MDTF12/31/20166/30/ SDTF (Australia)12/31/20166/30/ SDTF (Spain)12/31/20166/30/ SDTF (Japan)12/31/20166/30/ Japan-World Bank DRM Program6/30/202012/31/ Track III MDTF (Callable)12/31/20176/30/ MDTF (Technical Assistance)2/28/20158/31/ Track II-III ACP-EU (SDTF)6/30/201712/31/ MDTF (South - South)12/31/20166/30/ What is GFDRR’s Current Trust Fund Architecture?
New MDTF for Mainstreaming Disaster and Climate Risk Management in Developing Countries Japan-World Bank Program ACP-EU NDRR Program New Resilient Recovery Callable MDTF What is GFDRR’s New Trust Fund Architecture?
Core Trust Fund Management Functions PlanningIndicative Allocation Grant Proposal, Approval, Monitoring Annual Report GFDRR’s New MDTF FY15-17 Work Plan, updated Annually System of Indicative Annual Allocations began in FY14 and Continues Transitioning to Bank Systems GFDRR Annual Report Due Fall ACP-EU NDRR Program Individual Work Planning Japan-World Bank DRM Program Individual Work Planning
How is the new MDTF Structured?
How is GFDRR’s Work Planning Process structured?
What are the Principles behind the Work Plan? GFDRR’s Five Action Pillars M&E Framework to capture Targets Scenario-Based Planning Regional and Thematic Partners Accountable for Results Country Demand and Results Drive GFDRR’s Agenda
Base Case Results expected by focusing on: Current 20 Priority Countries Using the resources now available for the FY15 period What are the Scenarios Considered in the Work Plan? Investment Case Results expected by expanding to: 10 countries that previously benefited from single-donor support Additional 24 countries with potential to scale up support and leveraging into FY16-17
What are GFDRR’s Base Case and Investment Case?
How does GFDRR Approach Prioritization? GFDRR considers countries requesting GFDRR assistance for their: Underlying risk Potential to leverage activities to enable large-scale investment programs in DRM Opportunities to coordinate activities with investments and programs supported by development partners on the ground
What is GFDRR’s Country Engagement Approach?
What are the Base Case Resource Requirements?
What are the Investment Case Resource Requirements?
What are GFDRR’s Overall Resource Requirements?
What is the status of M&E framework implementation? Phase 1: Completed Step 1: Re-categorization of portfolio (Delivered: Annual Report FY13) Step 2: Assessment of outputs delivered by the program to date (Delivered: Annual Report FY13) Step 3: (i) Commission of evaluation in a sample of countries and (ii) development of activity and output indicators (Delivered: Country Evaluation 2014 and M&E Activity and Output Indicators) Step 4: Design of grant proposal and reporting template (Delivered: Grant Proposal and Progress Reporting template)
What is the status of M&E framework implementation? Phase 2: In progress Step 5: Development of activity and output monitoring database (Deliverable: GFDRR Database) Step 6: Integration of 1st country evaluation recommendations (Deliverable: 1st Country Evaluation and Prioritization Report) Step 7: Planning of 2nd country evaluation (Deliverable: 2nd Country Evaluation) Step 8: Reporting (Deliverable: Annual Report FY14 and Progress Monitoring Report)