United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service 1 FSA Work Flow and Next Steps EIAO Methodology Industry Walkthrough December 18, 2008 Washington, DC William K. Shaw Jr., PhD Office of Policy and Program Development FSIS, USDA
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service FSA Workflow
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service 3 Communication and Data Effective communication and availability of data is essential in facilitating the FSA process Facilitating the process will minimize the time necessary for the EIAO to complete the FSA Availability of data will ensure that the final report contains accurate data and fully represents all controls employed by an establishment
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service 4 FSA Data Analysis As FSIS improves its data infrastructure and begins using its data to determine an establishment’s relative risk for resource allocation it is in the plant’s best interest to share all data regarding its processes so reports reflect all controls a plant has in place Absence of data would indicate that a control is not in place
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service 5 EIAO Methodology Current Status FSIS is currently piloting the new FSA tools nationwide
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service 6 Next Steps Perform additional training sessions this spring for remaining DO personnel Publish revision of FSIS Directive Publish FR Notice and Guidance on Validation Develop a directive outlining FSA priority scheduling policy Develop IT Application to collect FSA data electronically as a bridge to PHIS
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service Next Steps 2 Analyze data from electronic FSAs to determine potential uses in establishment risk ranking Analyze data from electronic FSAs to assess the tools and revise where necessary Continue to build PHIS FSA application Explore additional EIAO training opportunities in the areas of microbiology and written communication Explore the potential for ongoing EIAO meetings to build consistency
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service 8 Questions?