Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Internet of Services - Collaboration Meeting – September 2008 Future Internet Assembly Anne-Marie Sassen EC, DG INFSO, SSA&I Unit
Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Internet of Services - Collaboration Meeting – September 2008 Future Internet Assembly 14 SSA&I projects have signed the Bled Declaration Next Assembly in Madrid, December 2008, more information on assembly_en.html
Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Internet of Services - Collaboration Meeting – September 2008 ASPIRE COIN CuteLoop iSURF CASAGRAS P2P NEXT TA D Media NAPA-WINE SEA ADAMANTIUM SAPIR VICTORY PetaMedia CONTENT 4NEM Future Internet Assembly TRILOGY 4WARD EFIPSANS E3 SENSEI CHIANTI PSIRP N-CRAVE MOBITHIN MOMENT AUTOI SMOOTH-IT SOCRATES ETNA SENDORA EURO-NF (NoE) sISI EIFFEL eMOBILITY MobileWeb2.0 IRMOS NEXOF-RA RESERVOIR SOA4ALL OPEN SHAPE m CIUDAD PERSIST SERVFACE S-CUBE Service Web 3.0 NESSI 2010 eMobility - NEM - NESSI - EPoSS - ISI Trust, Security, Privacy Experimental facilities and test beds Network Architecture and Mobility Content creation and delivery MASTER TAS3 PRIMELIFE TECOM AVANTSSAR AWISSENET WOMBAT PRISM SWIFT PICOS eCRYPT II FORWARD THINK-TRUST IP STREP “Internet of “Things”Services Architectures ONELAB2 PII FIREWORK PARADISO OPNEXT ECODE N4C SmartNet Perimeter Echos ResumeNet SelfNet VITAL++ WISEBED NOE CSA
Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Internet of Services - Collaboration Meeting – September 2008 FIA : Working Groups Management and Governance Future Content Network(s) Real World Internet SocioEconomics Identity and Trust Future Internet Service Offer Usage of facilities based on use cases - Contents - Networks - Contents -Trust -Things -Services -Networks -Services -Content -Trust -Networks -Services -Content -Things -Networks -Content -Things -FIRE
Future Internet: Addressing the Challenges through EU Collaboration & Cooperation Future Internet Network of the Future D1: Future Networks 3D Media Internet D2: Networked Media Systems Internet of Things D4: Networked Enterprises & RDID D3: Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Internet of Services F4: Security F5: Experimental Facilities Future Internet INFSO units involved Future Internet Assembly Working Groups on cross-cutting issues Socio-economics Future Content Networks Management & Governance Projects D1D3D4F4, F5D2 Future Internet Service Offer Usage of facilities Based on use cases Identity and TrustReal World Internet
Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Internet of Services - Collaboration Meeting – September 2008 How can SSA&I projects contribute to FIA? Papers requested for scientific publication marking one year of FIA: Submission deadline 13 October Use cases requested for testing on FIRE facilities: deadline 21 November Participate on networking sessions on the ICT event in Lyon Send input to relevant working group leader for next FIA in Madrid Participate to the monthly phone conferences
Future Internet: SSAI Collaboration Working Groups contributing to the Future Internet Assembly Future Internet Future Internet Assembly Working Groups on cross-cutting issues Socio-economics Future Content Networks Management & Governance Projects Obj. 1.2 Future Internet Service Offer Usage of facilities Based on use cases Identity and TrustReal World Internet Collaboration working Groups Service engineering Semantics Virtualisation Service Front Ends QoS and SLA Service architectures Collecting use casesStandardisationSummer schools