Charlie Walthall AC Meeting Update 9/11/13
Secr. Vilsack announced June 5, 2013 Options of things to do for climate change….. Undersecretaries: Dr. Bartuska committee Mentioned in President Obama’s Climate Change Strategy Purpose Deliver knowledge & practical information Support decision-making on climate change Build USDA capacity to deliver information & guidance on risk management practices at regional and local scales
7 Centers: Single POC for Ag Climate Information “Hub” + network of partners (sub-hubs, spokes) LTAR funding model at first: RFA issued NIFA funds via university partnerships later (?!) control USDA control Climate change adaptation Climate change mitigation* Value Chain: Research to Extension Periodic regional assessments of risk & vulnerability Contribute to National Climate Assessment A good idea, but…….
7 Primary Hubs proposed ARS “Hosting” Northern Plains Southwest Southern Plains FS “Hosting” Northwest Midwest Southeast Northeast **Extra proposal from Puerto Rico ARS, FS, NRCS contributing to all Hubs *Unprecedented USDA Agency Collaboration
Land grant universities: BIG INTERE$T USDA researchers, programs, and field offices Private sector addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation State, local and regional governments NOAA & DOI (USGS) regional centers NGOs
NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences & Assessments (RISA) program Physical, social, economic sciences, research Feed NOAA climate science Competitive funding DOI Climate Science Centers (CSC) Climate change data & impact analysis* Fish & wildlife managers, USGS resources DOI base funding *Versus USDA Hubs outreach & extension emphasis
“Complement USDA regional Hubs by providing data, findings, tools, & forecasts that USDA agencies &Hubs could build into integrated services for the agricultural and forestry sectors” ARS Opportunities Synthesis & integration of science Pilot projects Tech transfer
National Director USDA Agency HQ level senior staff person Position rotates between Hub-host agencies (2yr) Executive committee ARS, FS, NRCS, NIFA senior HQ staff GCPO permanent vice-chair Executive Secretary (GS-11/12/13) Housed with National Director Regional Hub Directors Forum Regional Committees
Review applications Develop vision & expectations Draft charter & implementation plan Funding issues* Finalize & clear governance Put together national leadership Roll out Expect Busy Start-up Period Workshops: Expect Busy Start-up Period Funding: NIFA grant handling, FY15 agency budgets, Executive Secretary funding *Funding: NIFA grant handling, FY15 agency budgets, Executive Secretary funding ARS Hosts: 0500 Climate Change Funds
ARS Hub Directors - “Hosts” Kris Havstad, Los Cruces Jean Steiner, El Reno Justin Derner, Cheyenne/Ft. Collins ARS Hub Contributors POC Norm Fausey, Columbus Stuart Hardegree, Boise David Marshall, Raleigh Peter Kleinman, University Park
Charlie Walthall