Hana Lab Reservax System
Introduction——HanaLab Behavioral Lab (DBH 6F) A place to run o Systematic behavioral experiments o Usability studies o Focus groups o Telephone interviews Consists of o Five small rooms o One large room o Control room o Equipment room
Current Workflow Reservax is used for scheduling subjects
Current Workflow Google Calendar is used for reserving rooms & reserving equipment
Current Workflow Three different User Personas o Administrators Give access to experimenters Recruit subjects o Experimenters Create experiments and set time slots Send to the pool announcing the study o Subjects Sign up to the pool Receive when an experiment is posted Sign up in offered time slots
Problems with Current Workflow Reservax administrators cannot participate in studies Reservax does not allow scheduling of single rooms in the Hana Lab Reservax does not have a feature to check out equipment (laptops, etc) Reservax does not allow multiple experiments running at the same time Administrators/Users have to use multiple services because of missing features (Google Calendar & Reservax) Some features are duplicated across services (Reservax's list of open timeslots vs. Google Calendar's schedule)
Research Methods Phone calls to other Reservax users (UBC, BAR Lab, etc) Conduct Interviews to find out how users think they use the system Interviews to find out how administrators think they use the current system User testing for users/administrators to see how they really use the system We currently have a subject pool of current users and potential users (80-90), we will most likely use 6 to 8 users per test group. (discussed later)
Research Phases o Interviews (administrators+users) o Pilot Test o User Testing (administrators+users) o Evaluation o Redesign (mockups in powerpoint & photoshop) o Interviews o Pilot Test o User Testing o Re-evaluation
Usability Test Tasks Study must incorporate the system from 3 Types of User Personas Administrator o Task:Create an Experimenter account o Task: Change the Announcement on the front page o Task: Add a logo o Task: Change Name of Laboratory o Task: Edit the Subject View Page
Usability Test Tasks Continued... Experimenter o Task: View an Experiment o Task: Create an Experiment o Task: Create a time slot o Task: View appointments o Task: Check out equipment for an experiment Participant o Task: Sign Up for an experiment o Task: Contact Experimenter o Task: Download Consent Form
Goal Deadlines Week o Evaluate current systems (Reservax & Google Calendar) o Call other Reservax users (colleges) Week o Interviews on current system (administrators, experimenters) o User Testing (administrators+experimenters+users?) Week o Evaluation of current system o Redesign (mockups of new Reservax UI) Week o Interviews (administrators+experimenters+users) o User Testing (administrators+experimenters+users) Week o Finalizing work & time for any extra work