The Chinese Menu By Lucy Fava
All About Pork dumplings On the first day of the full moon we eat rice and dumplings and make a wish. Here is a recipe for pork dumplings. Mixing bows of various sizes Measuring cups, and spoons, skillet with lid, to cook..6-8 large Napa cabbage leaves..1/2 bunch garlic chives..1 pound of ground pork..1 tablespoon sesame oil..3 Tablespoon of soy sauce.. Round dumplings wrappers..2-3 tablespoons cooking oil When do we eat dumplings?. On the first day of the full moon they eat rice and dumplings and make a wish.
All About Rice People cooked rice by boiling it in water or making rice in to rice wine. Rice is manly eaten on festivals and celebrations. People use rice a lot in China for many different things. You can stuff rice in sushi and dumplings and a lot of other things too. And the crop makes up a little less then half of the country’s total output.
Rice The early rice crop grows primarily in provinces along the Yangtze River and in provinces in the south. Its planted in February to April and harvested in June and July and contributes about 34 percent to total rice output.
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