Bassett Creek Water Management Commission Joint Advisory Group Meeting January 23, 2001
Presentation Outline Background & history WMO responsibilities, planning & BWSR expectations - Doug Snyder Planning process - second generation plan
Background & History Location BCWMC responsibilities Funding Summary of past and planned activities
What is the BCWMC? 50 square mile watershed Nine members: Crystal, Golden Valley, Medicine Lake, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, New Hope, Plymouth, Robbinsdale and St. Louis Park
BCWMC... Originally the Bassett Creek Flood Control Commission - a joint powers organization formed in 1969 Became BCWMC in 1984 JPA gives BCWMC responsibility for surface water quality and quantity management and sets funding methods
BCWMC Responsibilities - Flood Control Reduce flooding along Bassett Creek trunk system –Implement flood control projects –Monitor water levels –Establish flood levels & manage floodplains –Review development & redevelopment projects
BCWMC Responsibilities - Water Quality Manage lake and stream water quality Set goals and policies Implement watershed management plans to improve water quality Monitor water quality Evaluate progress
Who Pays? Since 1969, administrative costs shared by member cities - based on area and assessed value Project costs shared based on area and assessed value, with credit for lands provided Federal, State, and regional grants
Summary of Past and Planned Activities Flood control Water quality monitoring & planning Implementation of water quality improvement projects
Structural Flood Control Projects Bassett Creek Flood Control Project –Tunnel construction –Five major control structures –Bassett Creek Park Pond –Replacement of 10 street crossings –Floodproofing of homes
Nonstructural Flood Control Flood plain management –Ultimate watershed land use –Regulate development Establish management areas –Preserve flood plains –Preserve storage
Water Quality Monitoring & Planning Lake monitoring Stream monitoring Water quality management plan
Water Quality Implementation Features Developed overall water quality management plan Adopted water quality policy for developments Prepared watershed & lake management plans Prioritized water bodies and developed CIP
Water Quality Management Plan Water Quality Usage Categories Level I:All activities including swimming Level II:Recreational activities Level III:Fishing Level IV:Runoff management
Proposed Water Quality Improvement Projects Medicine Lake$3,642,000 Parker’s Lake$2,366,000 Wirth Lake$ 237,000 Sweeney Lake$1,243,000 Twin Lake$ 53,000 Westwood Lake$ 464,000 Bassett Cr. Park Pond $1,102,000
BWSR Presentation - Doug Snyder
Planning Process Planning handbook –Purpose and strategy –Major issues –Work plan –Stakeholder involvement
Statement of Purpose & Strategy Why is it needed? –Summarizes role of BCWMC in water management –Provides basic principles for the plan
Statement of Purpose & Strategy Major Topics –Water resource management –Local water management activity assessment –Public education and participation in water management
Statement of Purpose & Strategy - Topics Water resource management –Coordinate intercommunity runoff planning & design –Quality of stormwater runoff –Lake & stream management
Statement of Purpose & Strategy - Topics Local water management activity assessment –Outcome-based goals –Water quality monitoring
Statement of Purpose & Strategy - Topics Public education and participation in water management –Increase watershed awareness –Work within existing programs –Provide information to cities
Planning Issues - General Effects of land use decisions Condition of the water resources and need for improvements Review/revise classification Role of Commission relative to other groups, organizations, agencies and boards
Planning Issues - Identified by Citizens, Cities and BCWMC Commission’s role in streambank erosion and maintenance Funding of improvement projects Evaluation and monitoring of BCWMC plan implementation Evaluate stream classification Public involvement
Planning Recommendations - Identified by Agencies Develop method for measuring success Identify natural resource restoration sites Document BMP retrofit opportunities Inventory open space sites and potential for restoration of upland and water resources Assess wetland functions and values
Planning Recommendations - Identified by Agencies... Adopt wetland buffer zone requirements Identify BMPs to buffer effects of impervious land cover Include quantifiable goals & policies Address Medicine Lake issues Take advantage of outside funding sources
Stakeholder Involvement Advisory groups (citizen, technical, policy) Public meetings/hearings Mailings Web page updates Commission workshops
Planning Process Organizational Structure Commission Steering Committee Citizens Advisory Group Technical Advisory Group Policy Advisory Group
Advisory Groups Appointed members Agency representatives Provide input to Commission and other groups
Citizen Advisory Group Focus: –develop public education & involvement program –review draft program for evaluating plan implementation Other tasks: –review BCWMC purpose and strategy –review problems/issues & goals/policies –review draft plan
Technical Advisory Group Focus on technical issues: –Review water quality goals and policies –Identify flooding issues –Establish method for monitoring and evaluating BCWMC plan implementation –Define structural & nonstructural programs Other tasks: –Review draft plan
Policy Advisory Group Focus: –Evaluate purpose & strategy –Review method for for monitoring and evaluating BCWMC plan implementation –Define respective roles of cities and BCWMC in plan implementation –Evaluate funding options