Calendar, organization, major issues Van Hamme Gilles IGEAT-ULB Internal Meeting May
2/25 Calendar (1): major deadlines 1.Inception report is due for 31 august Interim report is due for 28 February Draft final for 28 February Final report 30 june 2012 July – December 2012 : dissemination Important remark : draft final is nearly the final report: no new analyses between draft and final report.
3/25 Calendar (2): internal and external meetings 1.After inception report, towards interim report (during october) Date to decide today 2. After interim report in two parts (april-may 2011): - with CU and sounding board - Internal meeting 3. Second semester 2011: toward draft final report Outside Brussels? 4. After draft final with CU and sounding board (april-may 2012) Other meetings may be decided if necessary ESPON meeting June 9-10 i n Alcala de Henares November 2010: in Liege Belgium June 2011: Hungary December 2011: Poland
4/25 Questions raised by the Coordination Unit of ESPON 1.Number of hours for the Bulgarian team 2.5 Case studies are due (to be decided for inception report) -Possibility to include car industry in the value chain analysis -Case studies for migrations (2) -Port cities… (1) -A mega? -Networks of excellence? 3. Dissemination (to be fixed for inception report) Includes : reports, articles…. Workshops Website
5/25 Dissemination 1) Three thematic workshops with expert of major international institutions (in the course of 2011 after interim report): -territorial and urban structures (OECD, World Bank); -the position of European territories in the international division of labour and the impact of Globalization on these territories (OECD); -cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world in the perspective of regionalism (World Bank, UNESCO). 2) A project web site will be created which provides a general overview of the project and contact information.
6/25 Major issue for internal organization - the role of Reading and IGEAT regarding WP the role of JIBS and BAS regarding Commodity chain analysis - cooperation with the “technological project” of ESPON (Capello). - WP4? Support for the French team - the role of the French and British team concerning financial flows.
7/25 Inception report Main objective : -a more detailed overview on the research approach to be applied, the methodology and hypothesis for further investigation -No result is expected Under 20 page maximum, it gives: -more detailed deliveries and outputs envisaged by the project, including the case studies envisaged -Precise calendar with the meetings -How previous and current ESPON projects will be considered.
8/25 For the inception report (deadline = 23th august) 1.A short synthesis (3-4 pages building on the answer to the call) with: - Main messages from the literature - objectives - Methodologies/approach - Workplan until the end of the project - Deliveries (including ptential case studies) 2. Working paper literature review on (scientific and grey literature): P2 : European cities in global networks P3: existing divisions of the world - Cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world P4: Europe and its regions in migratory flows P5: Europe and its regions in knowledge flows P6: Commodity chain analysis and how to assess the position of European regions
9/25 Who’s doing what ? Modus operandi: deadline 2, 23th : Responsible of sub-wp, provide to the coordinator (3-4 pages per WP) 29th october: Working paper if any
10/25 Towards the interim report Interim report should provide first results -Each team applies its workplan….
11/25 Next meeting(s)? November: next internal meeting….