April 18, 2013
Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) Rachel Edmondson, Data Analyst Meghann Omo, UIC Analyst Rob Dickinson, Data Collections Manager Trina Anderson, Assistant Director 2
Timeline STARR & MSDS Application Documentation Process Overview Data Quality & Improvements UIC STARR 2013 and 2014 STARR Changes MI School Data Reports Data Access 3
UIC (in MSDS) Submission Windows Open DateClose Date Bulk File UploadSep. 19, 2012Oct. 31, 2012 Dec. 10, 2012Feb. 28, 2013 Apr. 2, 2013Jun. 14, 2013 Student SearchOngoing STARR Submission Window Open DateClose Date May 20, 2013Jun. 21,
All materials for the UIC and STARR collections are on CEPI’s Institutions of Higher Education website. Go to Click on Institutions of Higher Education To access the site directly, go to: 5
1. Obtain UICs in MSDS 2. Create STARR File 3. Validate STARR file 4. Upload STARR File 5. Run STARR Reports If you are not familiar with this process, the Data Collection Overview and other helpful information for the STARR collection are available on our website: 7
Date of Birth (DOB) issues (records exist with a DOB prior to 1930 and after 2000) Review records PRIOR to uploading to the MSDS. If records exist (with a DOB before 1930 or after 2000), confirm that is the correct DOB with the student’s documentation. If you find an existing UIC for the student from your local student information system, student’s transcript or by searching on the student’s name in the MSDS, use that UIC. If you do not find an existing UIC and cannot confirm the student’s correct DOB, do not upload the student’s record with an erroneous DOB to the MSDS, a new UIC will be generated. Please remember: Longitudinal tracking hinges on the UIC. If a new UIC is generated due to an erroneous DOB, the link to K-12 or other postsecondary information is lost. Questions? Meghann Omo, or (517) 8
2012 Key Findings Incomplete historical reporting of transcripts CEPI found that all institutions reported transcripts back to the school year, accomodates current postsecondary reports CEPI also found some transcript history prior to the 1 st STARR collection window, but only goes back for a short period Ambiguity in SessionDesignator (Academic Year) and SessionName (Term) Variables We would want to see the 2010 SessionDesignator for a term occurring between September 2010 and December 2010, as that term is part of the Academic Year. 9 Help: Rachel Edmondson, or (517)
2012 Key Findings Non-Standardization of the reporting for CIP Codes Proper Course CIP Code for Forest Sciences and Biology Conditionally required data elements did not include all variables required when submitted When reporting the Degree CIP data element, also populate the Award Description, Award Level, and Award Date data elements 10 Help: Rachel Edmondson, or (517)
Validating STARR Files Schema defined elements of decimal cannot be blank if they are required Optional elements that have no value should not be reported in the schema XML Validation Guide posted on our website CSV to XML Conversion Tool from Lake Michigan College posted on our website We recommend the XML file size not to exceed 2GB However it is easiest for your software to break it up into smaller sizes The tool allows you to specify the maximum number or records per file, and will create as many files as necessary to include all the data 11 Help: Rachel Edmondson, or (517)
2013 Process When – during 2013 STARR upload and after Who – STARR contact, STARR authorized users How – , phone calls if needed Data Pull and Data Corrections Plan to have 4 data pulls during the collection window The sooner files are uploaded the better 12 Help: Rachel Edmondson, or (517)
UIC More upload windows Improvements to the UIC Resolution screen Race/Ethnicity name along with code – White (000010) Entity name along with code – Dearborn High School (00886) STARR Added Course Credit Attempted data element Changed Award Date and Enrollment Date to true date field (yyyy-mm-dd) Added suggested validation checks you can perform on your file prior to upload Upload population – Enrolled in Courses or Earned a Degree 13
14 CEPI will continue their partnership with Parchment for sending/receiving transcripts STARR Collection will occur in the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS). Benefits of moving STARR collection to MSDS: Same look and feel as the IHE Request for UIC Collection One contact for customer support Quicker response for data quality Field level validation, no longer just file level Streamlined XML schema Feedback to user (reports, etc.)
15 Summary of changes to XML schema Less embedded elements Removal of “user defined extensions” New fields Removal of fields Modification of existing fields All changes have been vetted with the Adult Learner Workgroup CSV to XML Conversion Tool will be updated to meet the 2014 schema
17 New Fields High School Student (optional) Dual Enrolled Other High School Student Postsecondary Enrollment Type (required) FirstTime Continuing Re-admit TransferIn Academic Year Designator (required) YYYY-YYYY CTE Concentrator (required) Yes/No
18 Fields removed Most of the Transmission Record High School Building EEM Entity Code High School District EEM Entity Code High School Graduation Year High School Name Country Residency (International) Permanent Country
19 Modifications of existing fields CourseCreditBasis Changed enumerations to RemedialReading, RemedialWriting, RemedialMath, RemedialScience & Regular Will no longer need to collect a separate crosswalk from IHEs Multi-Select Field. Example: CourseCreditBasis could contain RemedialReading and RemedialWriting. SessionDesignator YYYY to YYYY-MM
20 Modifications of existing fields (continued) ResidencyStatusCode Changed enumerations to align with Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) InDistrict, InState, OutofState Added additional enumerations added based on feedback from the workgroup NotReported and International Expanded max length of name fields (from 35 to 50) Gender Removed unknown as an enumeration AcademicAwardLevel Changed enumerations to align with CEDS
21 Modifications of existing fields (continued) StudentLevelCode Changed enumerations to align with CEDS Added additional based on feedback from the workgroup Nondegree Undergraduate, Nondegree Graduate, CommunityCollege Transfer Seeking Only* GradePointAverage Moved location within schema CourseCIPCode Changed max length to 7 *Definition: A student who intends to transfer to a 4-year institution without earning a degree or certificate at the community college
22 Next Steps Finalized schema will be posted in the next few weeks Testing to begin late summer/early fall 2013 Training information is forthcoming Work with associations to provide face-to-face training Webinars User Support Materials (user’s guide, FAQs, etc.) Questions? Comments? Want to participate in testing? Please contact Rachel Edmondson and Meghann Omo
We Continue to Provide High School Graduate Reports New - College Undergraduate Enrollment Report 23 To view the reports, go to or
Next Reports College Data Files (Basic) Student college enrollment patterns Time to enrollment after graduating Whether attending 2 year or 4 year Degree seeking or non degree seeking Remedial coursework flags GPA Degree attainment MME and ACT results and scores Demographic information College Data Files (Advanced) More complex and only available in XML format Contains all of the basic plus all of the students postsecondary coursework Student Transfer Transfers from 2 year to 4 year 24
Public access is available Initial reports are at the aggregate level Secure reports scheduled for 2013 Keyholder’s assigned to IHEs Keyholder’s can approve access to the portal Training Roles & Responsibilities of a Keyholder “FERPA” How to Use the College Data Files Webinar later in
Adult Learner Workgroup Membership 26 NameEntity Kristin SchuetteMichigan State Mary MeierCentral Michigan Tim LaLondeWestern Michigan Tammy GrossbauerLansing Community Mary BlackMichigan State Kortney BriskeUniversity of Michigan-Ann Nick BakerKirtland Community College Randy MeltonLake Michigan Jim BrowerLake Michigan Lori HancockMott Community Carrie JeffersMacomb Community Chris EngleMott Community Gail IvesMichigan Community College Roger MouradWashtenaw Community Patrick McNally WCCCD Robert
27 Contact CEPI customer support at or (517) and select option Rachel Edmondson Meghann Omo