Junior League of Kansas City, Missouri Communication Approval Process
What is CAP? In order to maintain a consistent, high-quality image of the JLKCMO all scripted, mailed, ed or printed documents sent outside of one’s council to members or non-members must be sent through the League’s Communication Approval Process (CAPs). Documents will be reviewed by JLKCMO office staff and Board of Directors for accuracy, typographic errors, brand consistency and stylistic content. What should be submitted in CAP? Any documents sent outside of your own council should be submitted through the CAP process. Examples include vendor RFPs, Holiday Mart vendor and shopper communications, sponsor request letters, event logos and invitations. Contracts, articles for eblasts/Inside Scoop as well as council or committee meeting minutes or other documents internal to a specific council do not need to be submitted through the CAP process. What if I have questions about the CAP process? Contact your council director or Director of Marketing, Jennifer Ray. How long does the review process take? We request 14 days to ensure adequate time for all necessary members to review and make edits. So please plan accordingly based on your material deadlines!
CAP Process: Before you Upload your files 1.Before you begin the CAP process, please have your committee chair review the document. 2.Your committee chair will alert her council director that the file will be uploaded so that she can be alerted to the review process. Access the CAP process by logging in to the members only section of the website – you will find it under the ‘My Groups’ section in the bottom right corner of your member home page.
CAP Process: Before you Upload your files 3.Once you click on CAP, please review the submission information included on the CAP home page. To upload your file to CAPS. Click on the files tab READ this before submitting your files to CAPS.
CAP Process: Uploading Files 1.Click ‘Files’ on the top tab to upload your file. 2.Then click on the ‘CAP – Pending Files’ or ‘Holiday Mart’ section and ensure it is highlighted. 3.Click ‘Upload File’ to upload your documents. Step 1 – Click Files Step 2 – Click CAP – Pending Files Step 3 – Upload File
CAP Process: Naming Files 1.Click the ‘Choose File’ button and upload your document. 2.Name the file using this format: Name of Document_Member Name 1.example: Take Five Logo_Jennifer Ray 3.Include any file notes necessary to support editors in reviewing your file. 4.Repeat the process for additional documents related to the communication piece. 5.Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page. Step 1 – Click Choose File Step 3 – add pertinent notes Step2– Name file Step 4 – repeat (up to 5 documents) Step 5 – Save uploads
CAP Process: After you submit your files 1. Teri Riley, Office Manager, Julie Randolph, President, Jen Ray, Director of Marketing, and your council director and let them know that you submitted something. 2.Please review the changes requested and upload a final version after the President has reviewed it. 3.After you upload a new final proof, the President will let you know if it is ok to proceed to your next steps.
CAP Process: Review Comments and Edits 1.From the ‘Files’ tab on the CAP home page, select ‘CAP Pending Files’ or ‘Holiday Mart’ and locate your document. 2.Click on the ‘Comments’ bubble to go to the edits. Step 1 – Click CAP pending files Step 2 – click Comments bubble for your document
CAP Process: Review Comments and Edits 3.Your document is ready when four people have reviewed it in this order: Headquarters staff (Teri Riley or Mary Jo Saviano) Your council director Marketing Director/Step-up Director of Marketing (Jennifer Ray or Susan Wilper Moss President/President-Elect (Julie Randolph or Rachel Sexton) 4.Once the President has signed off you are free to make your changes. 5.Review all comments, make necessary edits and answer all questions in the comments sections. 6.Each reviewer should work from the last document posted, so all edits are in one document, but be careful to make sure that has happened, and look for notes in each comment section as well. Step 9 – Click CAP pending files Steps 3 and 4 – ensure 4 sign offs; then make all edits to document
CAP Process: Review Comments and Edits 7.After the President has ok’d the changes, please upload a final version for the President to review before proceeding to the next steps. 8.Remember this can take up to 14 days! Julie Randolph will be the last to review. 9.Once your document has been finalized, upload the final file, Teri Riley that it has been uploaded, and your document is ready! Step 9 – Click CAP pending files Step 6 – upload final version and Teri Riley Steps 11 and 12 – ensure 4 sign offs; then make all edits to document
CAP Process: Reminders Remember this process can take up to 14 days! Julie Randolph, President, will be the last to review. Review all comments, make necessary edits and answer all questions in the comments sections. Once your document has been finalized, upload the final file, Teri Riley that it has been uploaded, and your document is ready! Any questions or problems please contact Jennifer Ray, Director of Marketing or Teri Riley