My Website Life Sciences Faculty Portals
In Class Exercises
Task Bar My Profile My Website My File Manager
Where is my page? View your changes Make your changes After you make your change Click into the view window and press F5
Anatomy of a Faculty Page
Left side profile content
Pages Change sequence with arrows Add page by typing a page name and click Add Use triangle/pencil/ruler to edit the page (see Edit Pages)
Page Editing Toobars Word 2003 style toolbars Main toolbar for spell check, find and pasting from Word. Text formatting toolbar Insert toolbar for links, images, documents, flash, or windows media Toolbar 3 - inserting tables and special characters Drop down toolbar Dialog toolbar Modes and enhanced editing on the bottom
Links External, internal, page Targets Image maps Site page links need the URLs for main and inner pages. Find them in the lower left corner
Uploading Large Files (PowerPoint)
Fun Exercise Make a main page for each class you teach. Upload your power points and link them Get at least 4 or 5 uploaded. If you have time, experiment on another page with visible unchecked
Appendix Stuff that got left out
Inner Pages Main pages can link to inner pages that don’t show on the left side. Think of inner pages as a sub page of a main page. The allow you to create a complex web site. Could be confusing – Because you have to create you own navigation – Or rely on the students to figure out the main page navigation on the left side.
Graphics Image Manager Image Map Editor Absolute Positioning
Quick Feature List
Upload your syllabus The process for uploading the syllabus is straight forward. Login to the faculty portal which is the same as Smartcopy but select “Faculty resources” instead of “Copy requests”. Then “Course management syllabus” and the “year/semester”. From there it is just like uploading an attachment. The students will see it on the “Schedule of Classes” from the “Students” page on the main web site as soon as you upload. So give it a try! Set the semester for the next semester Use Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Making Class Resource Links From here faculty can upload their own resources using the “my website” tab at the top. It is a little tricky the first time. Select the tab and then use the triangle and pencil to edit the welcome page. Don’t forget to write out your sentence first and highlight the link text. You then upload and link data files using the “document manager”. Click the toolbar button that has the paper clip and the letter A on the document symbol. Do this for each file or once using a zip file. Login to the faculty portal which is the same as Smartcopy but select “Faculty resources” instead of “Copy requests”. And then “Course management syllabus” IE8 warning – use the backward compatibility button to see the “faculty staff portal” menu.
Open link in new window go to your page and login edit text area click on your link text click the insert link button under target select open in new window
For those who have ftp sites we can no longer maintain those pages. With the new system each instructor uploads their own syllabi and has a web page that is automatically linked from the college directory. Instructors are expected to maintain these pages themselves. Uploading and linking files is a simple process. The extra step gives each instructor the flexibility without having to go through IT. Training is available to get instructors to started. Natural Sciences, for example, already set up a short seminar for their department so everyone did it together. Since we are all using the same system, students will find the syllabi and class resources consistent with all their courses.