Go to your school’s web locker site school name.schoolweblockers.com) Your user name is the first letter of your first name, the first 4 letters of you last and your teacher ID. So John Smith with the ID# 2222 would be jsmit2222 Your password is the same Upon initial login, you will be prompted to change your login name and password to something you will remember.
This is your home folder. It is private and cannot be viewed by others. In the home folder, you have the ability to upload files, download files, and delete files. Let’s practice. Click on the browse button, choose a file, and click the upload button. The file should now appear below. You can organize your files by the date they were uploaded, file size, or file name.
Let’s give the students an assignment Find that file in your home folder. Now click on the box to the left of the file name. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “copy selected files.” A new window should open below. Now find the class you wish to assign the work. Click on the box to the left of the assignments folder. You can select as many classes as you want. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on copy files to selected folders. You have now assigned all the students in that class the homework.
In this home folder, you can create as many sub folders as you need to organize your work. To do this, click on add a directory, give it a name, and you now have a folder you can use for all your presentations. Please note: when classes change, the folders are emptied out, but the home folder is not touched. Please be sure to save any files you may need throughout the semester, year, or years in your home folder.
Now click on the My Classes tab at the top of the page. This is a list of all the classes you teach. If you click on any one of those class names, it will take you to the roster of all the students enrolled in that class. You can view student information here. Click on the last name of any of the students, and you will be able to see their login information and address if the student has chosen to put one in. If a student forgets his or her login information, this is how you can look it up.
Now click the back browser once and you should be back in your class roster. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can see the buttons for adding a student and deleting one. Here is where you make any minor changes. Your school will send us updated information periodically for larger changes that need to be made, but if you choose to make changes on your own, you can do it here. Also, you'll notice there's an E-Portfolio link next to each of your students' names. If you click on any of the E-Portfolios, you'll be able to view that student's portfolio. You can also make comments on either the portfolio as a whole or individual files.
Click the back browser one more time. Now you should back in the list of all the classes you teach. If you chose to activate your talk channels, you will see a link that says talk. Depending on which channels you updated, you might have a talk link for “general” and “class only” General lets you talk to all the students in all your classes, while class only let’s you talk only with the students in that class.
Please click on any of your class names again. Click on the Post Assignments button. You should be able to see the file you just assigned now in this directory. You can also upload assignments here, but remember, once the class schedule changes, everything in this folder is deleted so make sure you have a copy of it in your home folder if you want to use it again. Also, you can delete assignments in this folder too. If you want to give the students a deadline and take away access to the file after the deadline, click on the box to the left of the file name and scroll to the bottom of the page to click on delete selected files. Now the file has been deleted from all your students' folders.
Now click on the My Classes tab at the top of the page. Once again you will see each of the classes you teach. Click on one of your class names and then the View/Grade Assignments button Here is where you will retrieve any assignments your students turn in. You will be able to view the file name, owner, and date it was posted. The great thing about this folder is files won’t override one another. If you have 20 students turn in a file and they all name it hmwk1, you will just have 20 files named hmwk1 sitting in this folder. You don’t have to worry about having the students come up with unique file names To view the file, click on the file name or click on download.
You can also give a grade on the assignment by clicking on make assessment. Go ahead and click on that You can write in any comments that will be sent directly to the student who will have the option to respond. You also have the ability to send the file back to the student if you've made changes to it. If you choose to give an assessment, that file is immediately transferred out of your homework folder and into the graded homework folder.
Now click on the My Classes tab at the top of the page again and choose the same class you just gave an assessment to. This time click on the Graded Assignments button. The file should now appear in this folder. To view the grade or message, click on assessment. Note: There is a way to “lock the thread,” meaning cut off communication with the student about this particular assignment. Click the back browser so you're back in with your student roster. You'll notice an export grades button. Here's where you can export all the grades you've given to import it into an outside grade book.
Now go ahead and click on the Shared Folders tab. Here is where you will see all the Shared Folders you are associated to. This is where you will also find a training folder with training documents that will help you if you forget what each function does.
Now click on the E-Portfolio tab at the top of the page. This is where you can search for student E-Portfolios of students not enrolled in your class. Just fill in at least one search field.
Click on the My Profile tab at the top of the page. Here is where you can change your user name and password, add an address and/or a website url. Notice on the right hand side there are multiple buttons to update your talk channels. This is how you can communicate with all the students in your classes. The general lets you talk to all the students in all your classes and then you have individual classes you can talk to as well. If you want to enable this feature, click on active for one or all of the talk channels and click update talk channel.
Now click on Calendar You can post things on your calendar and your students’ calendars Click on any of the dates. The box to the right of the calendar should update. You’ll notice in the left hand column you have the option of posting something on “my calendar only” or any of your class calendars. Choose one of your classes and post a test. Make sure you type something in the title, otherwise it won’t show up on the calendar. Once you are finished, click add item and the item will be added to your calendar. If a student logs in, they will be able to view what you just posted.
Click on Message Boards This is where all the students and teachers in the whole school or district can communicate. Anytime something is posted, it is stamped with the person’s name, date and time. There’s a legend at the bottom of the page that is color coded based on position.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kelly Smith with School Web Lockers at or