IEEE-SA myBallot TM myBallot ™ IEEE Standards Association New Electronic Balloting System Sponsor Tools
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Introducing myBallot™ The better way to ballot l The new myBallot™ system represents a paradigm shift in your balloting experience. For example: l Rather than waiting to be invited to join balloting groups, you can sign up yourself at your convenience by logging on to the myBallot™ website. l You can view and update you invitation pool participation. l You can submit and view your vote and comments while the ballot is still open -- you can do so as often as you like up to the closing date. l During a ballot recirculation, you can review responses to your comments online. l This is a unique opportunity to direct, manage and control your own Standards Sponsor balloting experience.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Introducing myBallot™ The better way to ballot l Sponsors and Working Group Chairs benefit from the myBallot system. For example, you can: l Start an invitation and ballot at your own convenience, including choosing opening and closing dates. l See how many invitations are being sent, and to whom. l Delegate balloting work to a Ballot Designee who can do everything from start the invitation to extending the ballot. l Download all your comments to aid in the resolution process. l Extend the ballot if the response rate has not been met or choose to fail the ballot and start anew. l Gather RevCom documents pertaining to balloting directly from the system.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Introducing myBallot™ The better way to ballot l Additional features include: l Help pages are available to assist you through every aspect of balloting. l Links to Standards Development Online are found right inside the myBallot™ system. l Links to IEEE-SA Staff are a click away. l 24/7 access to ballot information. l You manage your ballots! l You update your ballots!
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Presentation Topics l Logging onto myBallot l Ballot Designee l Invitations l Starting l Managing l Ballot l Starting l Managing l Comment Resolution l Recirculations l RevCom
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Logging on to myBallot™
IEEE-SA myBallot TM myBallot™ The better way to ballot l To access the myBallot system, you need: An IEEE Web Account l Prepare yourself for the new system by getting your IEEE Web Account today!
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Login Screen Login using your IEEE WebAccount.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Ballot Designee : The person designated by the sponsor chair to manage the ballot process
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Assign a chair to projects.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Manage Authorized Designees
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Manage Authorized Designees One designee assigned per project.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Invitations Starting and Managing
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel View invitation pools.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Manage Invitation Pools
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Start your invitation to form your ballot group.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Submit Invitation Request 1/5 Choose your invitation length & staff liaison.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Submit Invitation Request 2/5 PC57.12 The lookup will bring you to the PAR database.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Submit Invitation Request 3/5 Insert addresses or aliases! Choose as many invitation pools as you like.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Submit Invitation Request 4/5 Remove classifications Add classifications
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Submit Invitation Request 5/5 This document will be balloted at the same time As P1234.2, please enroll in both ballot groups. Add a personal message.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel View your invitations in process.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM View Invitation Summary View ballot group balance. Send an to a ballot group member. Ask them to change their classification.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Balloting Starting and Managing
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Upload your final draft for balloting.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Upload Document 2.3
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Start your sponsor ballot.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Initiate Sponsor Ballot
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Remember this is a reaffirmation document and cannot be changed, you are voting to reaffirm the accuracy of the standard. Add a personal message. Initiating the ballot sends it to staff for final approval.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Monitor the progress of your ballot.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Manage Sponsor Ballot Activity
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Comment Resolution
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Download your comments for resolution.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Comment Response Tool Select the ballot for resolution from the drop-down list.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Download Comments Select “down-load comment resolution zip file.” The system will then give you file of all the comments and files submitted by the voter.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Download Comments l The zip file will include: l All comments presented in a “comments.csv” file. l Any additional files (e.g., jpeg, gif, tif) sent by the voter. l You can save the zip file and bring it to your meeting, or send it to others in your committee.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Comment Resolution l The comments.csv file consists of comment data extracted from the myBallot system. Comment data includes all comments submitted by voters and coordinators. The fields provided in the csv file include: l Comment identifier – this is a unique number identifying the comment line l Date of comment submission l Name of submitter l Vote l Comment Type (i.e., technical, editorial, other) l Must be satisfied (part of their NO vote) l Page, subclause, and line l Comment text l File name (if the voter submitted) l Proposed Resolution
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Comment Resolution l Additional fields are completed by the Working Group or Comment Resolution Committee. l Resolution Status may contain one of the following values: l Agree l Principle l Disagree l Improper l Unresolvable l Resolution Detail l may be any text describing the resolution
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Comment Resolution Upload After completing the resolution of comments, upload the file in csv or Excel (xls) format.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Recirculation
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Start your recirculation
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Choose your project from the drop-down
IEEE-SA myBallot TM The system will allow you to upload all documents required for recirculation and submit to staff.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Additional Sponsor Functionality
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Built-in functionality!
IEEE-SA myBallot TM RevCom Documents
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Sponsor Control Panel Download all ballot files
IEEE-SA myBallot TM Download all the Ballot files.
IEEE-SA myBallot TM myBallot™ The better way to ballot If you have questions, please