CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua CARINA CARbon dioxide In the North Atlantic A Status Report
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua A revision of the 1994 methods handbook has been completed PDFs available from CDIAC by January hard copies being printed now (Feb. 2008?) Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction to the handbook Chapter 2 - Solution chemistry of CO 2 in sea water Chapter 3 - Quality assurance Chapter 4 - standard operating procedures (SOPs) SOP 1 – Water sampling SOP 2 – total dissolved inorganic carbon SOP 3a – closed-cell total alkalinity titration SOP 3b – open-cell total alkalinity titration SOP 4 – discrete p(CO 2 ) SOP 5 – underway p(CO 2 ) SOP 6a – electrode pH SOP 6b – m-cresol purple pH SOP 7 – dissolved organic C and total dissolved N SOP 11 – gas loop calibration using water SOP 12 – volume delivered calibration using water SOP 13 – volume contained calibration using water SOP 14 – sodium carbonate calibration of C T SOP 21 – Applying air buoyancy corrections SOP 22 – Preparation of control charts SOP 23 – Statistics for quality assessment SOP 24 – Calculation CO 2 fugacity Chapter 5 - Physical and thermodynamic data To be translated to Japanese, Chinese, others?
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua History CARINA was started at a meeting in Delmenhorst in June The objective is to collect carbon relevant data-sets in the North Atlantic, i.e to form a data base of consistent carbon relevant information for the Atlantic (including the Southern Ocean and the Arctic). The CARINA data-base become in-cooperated in CarboOcean. Meeting on Iceland 2006 with support from IOCCP and CarboOcean. CARINA is now a true international project with participants from several continents. US scientist with large experience from similar Projects (GLODAP).
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Last year Working groups were formed during the Iceland meeting: North Atlantic (Toste Tanhua). Arctic Mediterranean Seas (Are Olsen). Southern Ocean (Mario Hoppema).
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Meetings 2007 Kiel in March Delmenhorst in Nov/Dec Sponsored by the Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, IOCCP and CarboOCean
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Progress during 2007 The number of cruises in the CARINA data base has about doubled since the Iceland meeting (from 85 to 169 cruises). The amount of work involved in collecting, „cleaning up“, and to do primary QC on these cruises can not be over-stated. This year, 2 versions of merged data files has been distriubuted to the CARINA members. Close to 200 cruises are in the CARINA data base for consistency analysis at present.
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Data coverage The Nordic Seas The northern North Atlantic
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Data Coverage II North Atlantic Southern Ocean
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Products: A data base of consistent carbon relevant information for the Atlantic (including the Southern Ocean and the Arctic). The CARINA data base is hosted at CDIAC. The data 1.Individual cruise files with the actual measured parameters as they were meassured. 2.Hydrography, Carbon, Nutrients, Oxygen, Tracers, Carbon isopopes etc. 3.1st level of Qualiy Control, i.e. data has been flagged and are in a consistent format. 4.Comparable units for all variables (pH). 5.These cruise files can be individually downloaded and viewed. 6.Calculated data will be deleted from the individual cruise files. The Data Product 1.Three merged data files. 2.Data flagged as „questionable, 3“ or „known bad, 4“ will not be included. 3.Consistent data, i.e. for data where we found it warranted, a correction is applied. 4.Missing nutrients and oxygen will be interpolated (flagged „0“). 5.Missing carbon parameters will be calculated (flagged „0“).
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Why all the data? Adding 2 noise temperature 0.005°C alkalinity 4.2 mol kg -1 DIC 1.4 mol kg -1 nitrate 0.2 mol kg -1 silicate 0.2 mol kg -1 AOU 0.6 mol kg -1 Adding bias 5 mol kg -1 too high Alk 5 mol kg -1 too low AOU 5 % too high Si Extended Multvariate Linear Regression (eMLR)
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua CARINA on CDIAC
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Consistency Control Regional averages (GLODAP) vs. the CARINA data
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Cross over analysis This is (perhaps) our main tool. We use only deep data (> 1500 m). Cross overs are made on density surfaces (on depth for salinity) Offesets are determined as multiplicative for nutrients and oxygen. Additative for salinity, DIC, alkalinty and pH. Wheighted offset and uncertainty of the Xover. Improving the ways that we do these analysis, no perfect way.
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua The Xover table Need to co-ordinate the cross over analysis among a large group of people. A interactive web site for this was developed by Carsten Schirnick at IFM-GEOMAR (where the website/data base is hosted). GO TO WEBSITE!!
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Lots of activity But still ~1300 cross overs still to be done
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Solving CARINA Johnson et al Various solutions with different amount of information used. For instance: Uncertainty of cross over Use of CRMs Time between cruises Area (active/quite). Other, similar, approaches (usually) Gives similar results.
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Adjustments This in one tool in our toolbox to detect and Quantify offsets.
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Next step All lines of evidence for an adjustment will be very well documented.
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua Future activities Since cross over analysis are important for the result: Finalizing the Xovers by mid-January Final assessment of adjustments (or, no adjustment) by mid-April. All lines of evidence uploaded on the Website. Final, „wrap-up“ meeting in early June. Consensus on adjustments (lack of). Product on-line shortly after that (late June?)
CarboOcean Bremen 2007 Toste Tanhua North Atlantic WG 85 cruises 28 „Core cruises“ 7 of the core cruises are GLODAP cruises (provides „golden standard“ and concistency with GLODAP). 1st step: Consisteny of Core- cruises. 2nd step: Consistency of „leaf- cruises“ vs. The Core cruises