Very specific, narrow focus Google Maps API 1. Moved to LNO 2. Your view into SiteDB 1.Contact info, detailed site description, data links, site boundaries, Clim/HydroDB gage locations, weather, background imagery from Google. Downloads KML and shapefiles 3. Demo 1.
Detail site GIS information using a common interface: Access thru click on Phase 1 balloon (initially) Sites can link directly from their website Provide a common interface for all sites Quality cartography, consistent across sites Quality output imagery Access to best available aerial imagery Easy to use, won’t need to be a GIS expert
Detail site GIS information using a common interface: (from GIS Committee Basic Requirements) Consistent across all site: ◦ DEM/bathymetry (terrain) ◦ Roads ◦ Hydrography ◦ Structures ◦ Remotely sensed imagery Site specific/more detailed/better accuracy data ◦ Core research plot locations (siteDB?) , site, Study id, type, core area, EML links?, lat/long, ? On formating for ArcServer and connections to sitedb? ?do we need a SDE database? Flat files? How do we manage this or at a site? Andrews, Bonanza, Georgia Coastal, Baltimore Getting a data download from the metacat (EML) to test for study locations Coordinate Clim/HydroDB and SiteDB for location data Ability to add climate data not in Clim/HydroDB Process of getting local data in both initially and for updates.. LTER Domains? Need to check with PI’s and look at Neon examples Frequency of updates for different data sets Looking for the GIS group to come up with recommendations for GIS points (decimal degrees to six places)
Functionality Priorities: Standard GIS/visualization functionality: zoom/pan moving around the map Upload/add your own data?Want it easy to do links to websites/data/webcams/etc identify (attributes) queries (categories, future topic) Printing: presentation quality analysis? talk to PI’s about, Graphing capability (Clim/HydroDB) searching Clip/zip/ship (not a priority)
Map web services: use existing sources with remote manager access ArcMap templates for symbology/cartography Common look/theme for all sites Sites can add additional data Should be easy for LTER IM’s/GIS folks to contribute data. Run on multiple browsers Interface that sites can use ◦..update in one place ◦ Ability to imbed applications/service into their website Incorporate additional modules/info into SiteDB and make the data available thru this application. ◦ Clim/HydroDB, NISAC modules. Etc… Pre-caching for optimization, data updates, etc…
Next steps: Site IM’s will need to: Update SiteDB Verify site location/boundary, logo and links Update 2007 GIS survey Expect a Data request in the near future Harvest gage locations directly from Clim/HydroDB when migrated to LNO and provide a link to attributes of this data. Planning to link to EcoTrends data at some point
Send out s to IMs (theresa) Phase 1: ◦ link on main site page (Marshall) ◦ Application on individual site pages (basic level)(Marshall) ◦ LTER newsletter article: Jonathan/Adam ◦ Databits: more technical Jonathan/Adam ◦ Science council meeting in May demo…(Jonathan) ◦ Update boundaries (theresa) ◦ Update Clim/HydroDB gages (theresa) ◦ Domains for LTER sites: discussion for PI’s (everyone to talk to site PI’s about) ◦ Links to remotely sensed imagery library (John VC)
Load LNO (Jamie) Evaluate existing web services for overall base layers (jamie national map, on-line services, free stuff) document and provide links from portal Base layers plus climate (adam) EML points: Inigo to provide Theresa with a file… Decide on how to store data and how to organize web services (central vs site specifics) ◦ Need to identify pro’s cons of options
Data format ◦ Shape files ◦ Geodatabases (file) ◦ SDE LNO At another site (AND or BNZ) Rasters and images (sde or raster catalog) Data organization ◦ Centralized layers (network wide) vs 26 individual site layers Map/Image Services ◦ Network level and site level
ArcMap templates Look at for search ideas ◦ What do we want to search on? Look at SiteDB and make recommendations. (jonathon) Look at code for search (Jamie) Upload/add site data
Write a report on our meeting Products: ◦ Video ◦ LTERmaps application ◦ ArcGIS Server LNO ◦ Network news/data bits articles ◦ Phase 2: Arcnews ◦ Posters? ESRI Conference (Theresa) Science Council Meeting (demo/poster) (May) IM Meeting
Export to pdf sample: Adam Proposal: Adam Bob is sending Theresa sample maps ◦ Theresa to put on ftp