Well Come To All
ej†Zv wb‡Pi Qwe‡Z wK †`Lv hv‡”Q ?
Md.Mahmudul Hoque Assistant Teacher Senbag Fazil Madrasah Senbag, Noakhali.
Class:-Seven Subject:-English 2 nd Paper Topics t- Parts of Speech
Learning Out Come By reading the lesson you will be able to :- 1.Know to the meaning of parts of speech. 2. Describe the different kinds of parts of speech 2. Describe the different kinds of parts of speech 3. Select items from a list. 4. Match information with the picture Fill in the gaps.
Presentation 3. Adjective( বিশেষন ):-The word which expresses the quality,quantity,condition,or number of a noun or a pronoun is called an adjective.( যে word কোন noun বা pronoun দোষ, গুন, অবস্থা, সংখ্যা, পরিমাপ, ইত্যাদি প্রকাশ করে তাকে Adjective বলে। যেমনঃ -a. Give me some money. b.Badol is a bad boy. c.I have ten taka. d.That is Bangladeshi jute. e. Each boy has a pen. 4.Verb( ক্রিয়া ):-A verb is a word which is used for saying something about any person or a things. ( যে word দ্বারা কোন ব্যক্ত বা বস্তু সম্পকে কিছু বলা হয় তাকে Verb বলে ) । যেমনঃ - a. They ran a race. b. We made him captain. c. Birds fly in the sky. d. Mr. Ali teaches us english. e. He killed himself. 5. Adverb( ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ ) ঃ -An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb,an adjective or another adverb.( যে word ) যেমনঃ - a.The horse run fast. b. Kashem went there. c.I am quite happy. d. She entered the room slowly. e.He came here twice. Different parts of a sentence is called parts of speech. Different parts of a sentence is called parts of speech. Parts of speech are 8 kinds. Parts of speech are 8 kinds. 1.Noun( বিশেষ্য ) ঃ - The name of any things is called noun.( কোন কিছুর নামকে Noun বলে ) । যেমন :- a. karim is a good boy. b. My father lives in Dhaka. c. Iron is a useful metal. d. Kindness is a great virtue. e.The padma is a big river. 2. Pronoun( সর্বনাম ) ঃ - A pronoun is a word which is used instead of a noun । ( যে শবদ কোন Noun এর পরিবতে বসে তাকে Pronoun বলে ) । যেমন :- a. Her name is Nipa. b. I have a new shirt. c. This is a pencil. d. Who is your father ? e. He killed himself.
3.Adjective ( বিশেষণ ) ঃ - The word which expresses the quality,quantity,condition or number of anoun Or pronoun is called an adjective.( যে word কোন noun বা pronoun এর দোষ, গুন, অবস্থা, সংখ্যা, পরিমান ইত্যাদি প্রকাশ করে তাকে Adjective বলে। যেমনঃ - a.Give me some money. b. Badol is a bad boy. c. I have ten taka. d.That is Bangladeshi jute. e. Each boy has a pen. 4. Verb( ক্রিয়া ) ঃ - A verb is a word used for saying something about any person or thing.( যে word কোন ব্যক্তি বা বস্থু সম্পর্কে কিছু বলার জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে verb বলে ) । যেমনঃ - a.They ran a race. b. We made him captain. c. Birds fly in the sky. d. Mr.Ali teaches us English. e. He killed himself.
6. Preposition( পদান্বয়ী অব্যয় ) ঃ -Preposition is a word that sits before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.( যে word কোন noun বা pronoun এর পূর্বে বসে বাক্যের অন্যান্য অংশের সাথে বসে সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করে তাকে Preposition বলে ) । যেমনঃ - a.Minhaj is fond of sweets. b.The boy entered into the room. c.We went a hunting. d.I shell come back within a week. e. The book is on the table. 5. Adverb( ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ ) ঃ - An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb,an adjective or Another adverb.( যে word কোন verb,adjective বা অন্য কোন adverb এর অর্থকে বিশেষায়িত করে তাকে Adverb বলে ) ঃ - যেমনঃ - a.The horse run fast. b.Jamal went there. c.I am quite happy. d.She entered the room slowly. e.He came here twice.
7. Conjunction( সংযোজক অব্যয় ) ঃ -A conjunction is a word which used to joins more words or clauses.( যে word দুই বা ততোধিক word বা clause কে সংযুক্ত করে তাকে conjunction বলে। যেমনঃ - Mina and Bina are sister. b. The man is poor but honest. c.Either play or go away. d.Wait here until I come back. e. The doctor came after the patient had died. 8. Interjection( আবেগ সুচক অব্যয় ) ঃ - An Interjection is 8. Interjection( আবেগ সুচক অব্যয় ) ঃ - An Interjection is a word which expresses some strong feeling of the mind like Joy,Sorrow,surprise etc.( যে word দ্বারা আবেগের সাথে আনন্দ, দুঃখ, বিস্ময়, প্রকাশ করা হয় তাকে Interjection বলে। যেমনঃ - a. Bravo! You have done well. a word which expresses some strong feeling of the mind like Joy,Sorrow,surprise etc.( যে word দ্বারা আবেগের সাথে আনন্দ, দুঃখ, বিস্ময়, প্রকাশ করা হয় তাকে Interjection বলে। যেমনঃ - a. Bravo! You have done well. b. Hurra! We have won the game. c.Shame! You are always late. d. Alas! I am undone. e. Oh! Allah Save us.
Group Work QvÎ/QvÎxiv wb‡Pi word ¸‡jvi †KvbwU †Kvb Parts of speech Zv wbY©q Ki‡e| Read,Kamal,She,Good,They,Into,But,Alas!,Again st,Easily,Beauty,Farmer,Now, Within,Before,On,Since,Bravo!,And
Evaluation Indicate the parts of speech from the following underlined words. 1.Fisherman catches fish. 2.Bina is a good girl. 3.They are playing football. 4.The police are looking into the case. 5.He has no hanker after of money. 6.He is poor but honest. 7.Alas! I am undone.
Home Task 1.What is noun ? How many kinds of noun ? Write with example. 2. What is pronoun ? How many kinds of pronoun ? Write with example. 2. What is pronoun ? How many kinds of pronoun ? Write with example.
Thanks For all. No more today.