The nervous system is important because it is the system that coordinates every animals voluntary movements, such as walking and eating, and in voluntary.


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Presentation transcript:

The nervous system is important because it is the system that coordinates every animals voluntary movements, such as walking and eating, and in voluntary movements, such as digesting and breathing. The nervous system also transmits signals which tell you how to react. For example if you touch something hot your nerves send a pain signal which tell you to pull your hand away. Without the nervous system you would not be able to feel anything. You would be numb.

Parts of the nervous system Central Nervous System (CNS) The central nervous system contains two parts: the Brain and the Spinal Cord. The central nervous system contains two parts: the Brain and the Spinal Cord. The central nervous system is the collection of information from both within your body and outside of it.. The central nervous system is the collection of information from both within your body and outside of it.. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves and neurons that carry signals from sensory organs (eyes, ears, skin) to the spinal cord and brain and from the spinal cord and brain to effecters (organs, limbs etc.)

The Brain


What are Neurons? Neurons are the the basic building bock of the nervous system. Neurons are like other cells except for the fact that they are specialized to transmit signals throughout the body. There are many types of neurons and they can transmit in both chemical and electrical forms. Neurons contain both a nucleus with DNA and a membrane to protect it just like other cells. Unlike other cells neurons stop reproducing shortly after birth.

How does a nerve transmit? The nervous system transmits signal when ever you touch something. The nervous system transmits signal when ever you touch something. What happens when touch something hot for example is the stimuli sends a signal which goes through your nerves in the PNS and to the spinal cord in the CNS the spinal cord then sends the message to the brain where it is processed and the brain gives a reaction. The reaction is then sent to the Autonomic system which sends the reaction through the nerves to the muscle in your arms and hands to tell you to pull your hand away all in less than a second. What happens when touch something hot for example is the stimuli sends a signal which goes through your nerves in the PNS and to the spinal cord in the CNS the spinal cord then sends the message to the brain where it is processed and the brain gives a reaction. The reaction is then sent to the Autonomic system which sends the reaction through the nerves to the muscle in your arms and hands to tell you to pull your hand away all in less than a second.

Alzheimers Alzheimers is the mental detereriation that can happen in middle or old age

Facts There are millions of nerve cells in the human body The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vise versa There are over 100 billion neurons in the human brain The brain only has 4% of its cells active at any given time