Introductory information. Division of parisyllabic part of the 3 rd declension. Paradigms and definitions of groups which belong to them. Examples of use. Textbook. Content
Revision Let us review: All words belonging to the 3 rd declension have Gen. Sg. with ending -is. There is no exception from this rule. We must remember a gender of every word belonging to this declension. There is no way how to guess the gender from the Nom. Sg. ending. Nominative endings are used to distinguish between particular subgroups of the 3 rd declension (paradigms).
Introductory information Internally the declension is split up to two groups called parisyllabics and imparisyllabics. So far we have been dealing with imparisyllabic paradigms dolor and caput. In this lesson we will speak about paradigms auris, dens, rete and how to identify words which are flexed according those paradigms.
Parisyllabics and imparisyllabics Terms parisyllabic/imparisyllabic mean in LMT “ words with same or different number of syllables in Nom. and Gen. Sg. ”. Demonstration: auris (Nom. Sg.) has Gen. Sg. auris and is therefore parisyllabic (two and two syllables). pars (1 syllable), Gen. Sg. partis (2 syllables) it im parisyllabic. Theoretically we could distinguish between imparisyllabics ( dolor, caput ) and imparisyllabics ( auris, dens, rete ) just by counting numbers of syllables in Nom. and Gen. Sg.
Unfortunately this simple method is not functional, because during more than two millenia of history of Latin certain words changed their forms. This resulted in numerous exceptions from “number of syllables” rule. For example words dens, dentis (1, 2 syllables) or animal, animalis (3, 4) are considered pari syllabic. Therefore we need to find another indicators.
General difference between both groups (in other words between paradigms dolor, caput on one hand and paradigms auris, dens, or rete on the other) lies in Gen. Pl. ending: Words according dolor or caput have Gen. Pl. -um. Words according auris, dens, rete have Gen. Pl. with ending -ium. However Gen. Pl. ending is not indicated in your vocabulary or in lexicons of LMT. Therefore we still need another distinctive characteristic.
Revision of paradigms dolor and caput Sg.Pl. Nom. dolorcaputdolor -escapit -a Gen. dolor -iscapit -isdolor -umcapit -um Acc. dolor -emcaputdolor -escapit -a Abl. dolor -ecapit -e dolor -ibus capit - ibus Here are imparisyllabic paradigms.
Paradigm auris (masculines and feminines) Sg.Pl. Nom. aur -isaur -es Gen. aur -isaur -ium Acc. aur -emaur -es Abl. aur -eaur -ibus Auris type has nearly similar endings as dolor. The only difference is in genitive plural: -ium instead of -um.
Identification of type auris Which nouns from the 3 rd declension belong to the “ auris ” group? There are three conditions: 1. group consists of masculines and feminines. 2. word has Nom. Sg. ending -is or -es 3. word has equal number of syllables in Nom. and Gen. Sg. i. e. it is true parisyllabic word.
Paradigm dens (masculines and feminines) Sg.Pl. Nom. densdent -es Gen. dent -isdent -ium Acc. dent -emdent -es Abl. dent -edent -ibus Dens type has similar endings auris. The only difference from dolor is in genitive plural: -ium instead of -um.
Identification of type dens Which nouns from the 3 rd declension belong to the “ dens ” group? There are three conditions: 1. group consists of masculines and feminines. 2. word has Nom. Sg. ending -ns, -rs 3. Nominative Sg. has only one syllable, genitive has two syllables.
Paradigm rete (neutrals) Sg.Pl. Nom. reteret -ia Gen. ret -isret -ium Acc. ret -emret -ia Abl. ret -iret -ibus Type rete has several differences from neutral imparisyllabic paradigm caput.
Identification of type rete Which nouns from the 3 rd declension belong to the “ rete ” group? 1. nouns are neutrals 2. Nom. Sg. ending is either -ar, -e or -al.
Comments Apart from imparisyllabic paradigms dolor and caput we have basically two parisyllabic paradigms: auris (masculines and feminines) and rete (neutrals). Paradigm dens has similar endings as auris, they differ only in specification of corresponding words. Definition of dolor is negative, i. e. everything that does not belong to either auris or dens belong to dolor. Neutrals in the 3 rd declension have two possible paradigms: caput and rete. Definition of caput is negative. Everything that does not belong to rete is caput.
Paradigms in the 3 rd declension masculine/feminineneutral dolor, is auris, is dens, dentiscaput, itisrete, is Gen. Pl. is -ium parisyllabics Gen. Pl. is -um imparisyllabics This diagram shows intersection of two aspects of nouns in the 3rd decl.: gender and (im)parisyllabic one.
Textbook Explanation of the parisyllabics from the 3 rd declension: p Vocabulary: