Reading comprehension
Listen to your teacher and repeat…
SCHOOL ELECTIONS ACTION QUALITIES CAMPAIGN POSITIONS A voting paper A speech A candidate [ eq] A class representative helpful A poster A program Run for… Run meetings A team [i:] A student governor Student council The president The vice-president The secretary The treasurer [G] reliable trustworthy outgoing creative brave confident A blank vote A ballot A polling station Vote for a candidate Go to the polls
Read and answer the questions…
plans improve give up lead find out Laura can be helpful to students on the new school blog She can meet students to find out what they want She can talk to the principal about new projects She often works at the library after school She always find solutions well-organized hardworking determined talkative outgoing I want to work in politics My father wants me to become a doctor
complément base verbale
Learn your vocabulary for the short oral test at the beginning of the class. Do the exercise with the cartoon at the end of your worksheet.