Prolific – number of animals born at one time. Mothering ability – ability to produce enough milk for the offspring. Soundness – strength of feet & legs. Weaning Weight – size of calf at weaning time. Longevity – life span of the animal
Lean Ratio – Amount of fat compared to the amount of meat. Muscling – Quality of meat on the animal. Carcass Quality – Quality of meat in terms of marbling. Rate of gain – pounds gained per day. Feed Efficiency – pounds of feed needed to put on one pound of weight.
1 – Production traits - breeding / market (from previous slides) 2 – Cost of the breed – bulls / semen straws may cost more for certain breeds. 3 – Environmental Conditions – certain breeds do better in warmer environments – look up Brahma cattle in GOOGLE. 4 – Personal Preference- some people like black hair on cattle – some people like white. Example:Blake Eisenbeisz vs. Calvin & Gary Sandmeier 5 – Purpose of the animal – Is this animal for pleasure, work, breeding, etc.?