ATLAS MDT Power Supply DCS Anastasios Iliopoulos 15/08/2006
Contents Power Supply of MDTs (High & Low Voltage) ATLAS DCS PVSS II FSM Project Panels & Sub-panels Dynamic FSM Creation ActiveX display of the FSM Today’s status of the project References
Power Supply of MDTs Two (or one) multilayers of drift tubes High Voltage side Readout side Each multilayer is operated by a separate high voltage supply (3kV) Low voltage (5V) is provided to the readout side of each chamber
Detector Control System (DCS) ATLAS TrackDetector MuonSpectrometerElectromagneticCalorimeter HadronicCalorimeter MDTCSCRPC PowerSupply Monitoring High Voltage Low Voltage Temperature, Magnetic Field
PVSS II PVSS II by ETM Procedures for: Communication with hardware Storing data Warnings & Errors Built-in programming language (C++) Graphic Editor User abilities Create his personal application Send and receive data Monitor and manage the detector
Finite State Machine (FSM) Michail Bachtis & Anastasios Iliopoulos: PVSS project for control & monitoring HV & LV for MDT chambers Based on a FSM Depending on the state or status of each node, is returned a message and the necessary action is executed OFF RAMP UP ON Over Current TRIP RAMP DOWN HW ERROR Recovery
Created using C++ and some built-in procedures of PVSS DCS team of ATLAS developed a special framework
My Work – Part I: Dynamic FSM Creation Automatic FSM generation Adds chambers to FSM using the desired name and number of HV & LV channels Sets automatically all necessary parameters Capability of reading channel parameters from a simple text file About 900 lines code
My Work – Part II: ActiveX display of the FSM ActiveX object created with programming in Visual Basic Displays plugged chambers sorted under logical units Displays current state or status of each chamber using colour code Supports colour propagation to the parent levels About 300 lines code
Today’s status of the project 3 PCs will be used: Barrel A & C side EndCap A & C side “Supervisor” PC At this time the project is tested, monitoring the LV supply of chambers in sector 13
References Bachtis Michail, “Development of automatic control system for the MDT-BIS detector” Bachtis Michail, “Update on the MDT Power Supply DCS” “ATLAS Muon Spectrometer - Technical Design Report”