HINDUISM Dale, Antonella, Georgie and Emma
WHAT IS HINDUISM? Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion. Originated in Northern India near the river Indus about 400 years ago. Followed by more than 80% of India’s population. Makes up about 1/7 of the worlds population. World’s oldest existing religion. Has no founder.
BELIEFS They believe in a one supreme god called Brahman – taking many forms. Life is one cycle; circle of birth, death and rebirth – controlled by Karma. The symbol Om or Aum is what they use which means God. They pray at a temple called a Mandir.
FESTIVALS Diwali is the main festival they celebrate – light divas, make patterns, painting and lighting fireworks. Occurs around October/ November time. Diwali is a 5 day celebration of Rama and Sita overcoming Ravana. Holi celebrates the start of spring. Holi lasts 1-5 days – bonfires are lit and powder is thrown. Many stories are related to the festival, Holi.
FOOD AND CLOTHING Many Hindu’s are vegetarian. Cows are seen as holy animals. Food plays an important part in worship – offering to God. Over 18 major holidays feasting days occur. Fasting is also common in this religion – way of enhancing concentration during worship. A sari is a traditional item of clothing that women wear – made from cloth. Jewels worn in their nose.