Web Services – Train The Teachers Yair S. Siwek 2003
Welcome to WSTTT Web Services - Train The Teachers A modern software program is no longer a complete Input/Output programming solution leaving on an isolated computing device. A modern software program is one of many isolated programs that together form a complete solution. These many isolated programs may be hosted on deferent platforms running deferent operating systems. A modern software program is using common infrastructures and standards, today known as HTTP and XML/SOAP, to communicate with the world. These standards and their implementations are still evolving. The technology allowing this collaboration is known as “XML Web Services”. Yair Siwek Israel 2003
Course Overview Three course steps reflects the evolution of the web Three course steps reflects the evolution of the web Static HTML Static HTML HTML HTML CSS CSS Scripting Scripting Web Application Web Application C# (basic) C# (basic) SQL SQL ADO.NET ADO.NET ASP.NET ASP.NET Web Service Web Service C# (advance) C# (advance) XML XML SOAP, WSDL, UDDI SOAP, WSDL, UDDI
Agenda 1. Course Overview, Evolution of web technology 2. Building static web site Project 1/3 3. C# Programming 4. SQL Language 5. Accessing Data using ADO.NET 6. ASP.Net – Building Web Application Project 2/3 7. XML and Serialization 8. XML Web Services – Project 3/3
Evolution of web technology The Internet infrastructure The Internet infrastructure TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, HTML, DHTML, MIME TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, HTML, DHTML, MIME Browsers Browsers ActiveX controls ActiveX controls Internet Security (SSL, and Firewalls) Internet Security (SSL, and Firewalls) Web Services Web Services XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI The future of web services The future of web services