SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 1 SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing Remarks David MacFarlane Associate Laboratory Directory for PPA
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 2 Outline Why are meetings like this workshop important to SLAC and the US community? –Context, plans and possible areas of evolution for SLAC/ATLAS program and connections to US ambitions at the LHC Where should we go next? –Another important step along a path of creating a new paradigm for SLAC and the US-LHC community
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 3 SLAC Particle Physics & Astrophysics Accelerator-based particle physics: ATLAS & BABAR ATLAS upgrade Astrophysics & Cosmology: Fermi GST, DES Non-accelerator physics: EXO-200, CDMS GeODM SiD, SuperB CMB, AGIS EXO LSST, JDEM Linear Collider, Project-X Accelerator research: LHC, ILC, high-gradient, plasma-wakefield, laser LHC upgrades
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 4 Physics Opportunities Accelerator research: ILC, high-gradient, plasma-wakefield, laser Astrophysics & Cosmology: Fermi GST, DES Accelerator-based particle physics: ATLAS & BABAR Non-accelerator physics: EXO-200, CDMS Direct dark matter searches Energy & intensity frontiers Inflation, cosmic rays Higgs, SUSY, discovery physics Nature of the neutrino Dark matter & dark energy Future energy frontier facilities Discovery reach
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 5 Reminder: why did SLAC join ATLAS? The most compelling questions in particle physics can only be addressed at the energy frontier The best way of sustaining a vibrant energy frontier community for a future linear collider is to be engaged now ATLAS is the future for our accelerator-based program, and therefore the glue tying together the HEP program at SLAC The energy frontier is the highest priority program for the national user community & our traditional user base –This meeting is another important step is translating this idea into concrete terms and areas of engagement
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 6 Ongoing challenges and opportunities Late entry (2006) into a major worldwide collaboration with established players and institutional responsibilities –Major impact still achieved by operating in a service mode to resolve many real issues arising during commissioning over the last 3 years Core capabilities and unique expertise from constructing & operating BABAR are now being applied to ATLAS Gaining an understanding with OHEP about size and role for SLAC/ATLAS effort has been challenging –Our goal is to significantly strengthen the US ATLAS effort by the infusion of a large and experienced SLAC team Next decade will see operation & physics exploitation of ATLAS, as well as a very ambitious and challenging upgrade effort –Need to build on a common vision by US ATLAS community, US ATLAS management, SLAC and OHEP of the SLAC role
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 7 Present elements of SLAC/LHC plan LHC: LARP collimators, PS2 design, other opportunities ATLAS: Theme 1: Pixel System Theme 2: DAQ and trigger Theme 3: Simulations Theme 4: Tier 2 Center & potential Western Data Analysis Facility [future] Theme 5: The Bay Area as an ATLAS physics center [future]
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 8 Pixel System Development & critical service roles Stage 1: new inner layer Stage 2: full system upgrade Upgrade R&D What is the overall long-term SLAC/ATLAS plan? Trigger/DAQ System Development & critical service roles Stage 1: new architecture & incremental upgrades Stage 2: full system upgrade Upgrade R&D Physics engagement, computing and regional center growth SLAC a major partner in ATLAS, broadly supporting US ATLAS community
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 9 Exploring ideas for an Analysis Facility Future direction for ATLAS Tier 2 & 3 implementation may need to evolve after first data –Tier 2s may struggle to meet combined needs of simulation and data-intensive analysis, alignment, calibration & HLT validation –Hosting Tier 3 centers at SLAC may be an attractive option, both in terms of maintaining efficient operation and sharing CPU resources Option exists for a Western Data Analysis Facility at SLAC –Migration from BABAR dominated to ATLAS dominated computing hardware operation, within site power and cooling capabilities –Need to understand economies of sharing support personnel, CPU and disk hardware across Tier 2 and Tier 3 needs –Need to integrate into US ATLAS and ATLAS planning for Tier 2 & 3 planning and initial experience with data
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 10 The Bay Area as a west-coast ATLAS center CERN cannot host major portions of the LHC collaborations long term The Bay Area could play a leading role in supporting LHC physics –Concentration of expertise on computing, analysis and detector systems –Proximity of physics analysis support centers, capability for hosting workshops, tutorials and seminars –Attractive training centers due to a combination of tutorials, available expertise, & participation in upgrade activities –Strength of Theory Groups & their strong interest in LHC physics This is just a vision at the moment! –Would need to create a consensus in the US ATLAS community about a new paradigm for exploiting physics at the LHC
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 11 Regional Center What are possible elements of a regional center? Upgrade R&D and construction Remote monitoring & operations Strong Theory Group Significant computing resources & expertise Meeting rooms & user space Detector systems & operations expertise Physics tools expertise Similar to DESY Analysis Center, but with some important advantages
SLUO LHC Workshop: Closing RemarksPage 12 Where should we go next? Opportunity to define together a new paradigm for SLAC’s role as a national lab in support of the LHC as the highest priority element of the national program –Significantly enlarged SLAC/ATLAS program could provide an additional strong anchor on the west coast at a time when operations, physics and major upgrade needs are all converging –SLAC’s role should be driven by the real needs of the US community –Will only happen if the US community and SLAC speak to OHEP with one voice about a coherent vision for our role Need to turn ideas, e.g., enhanced computing role, regional center, upgrade R&D and future upgrade roles, benefits of laboratory infrastructure, into a common vision and a concrete implementation