Outreach in particle physics, Czech Republic
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Broad consensus in particle physics community that outreach activities are important Target groups Students and teachers General public Media
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Students, teachers Covered by J.D. in his talk Weeks of science, open days Day of CERN EPPOG International Masterclasses The “Open science” project Visits of students in laboratories Visits to CERN and other major labs abroad
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Students, teachers Covered by J.D. in his talk Weeks of science, open days Day of CERN EPPOG International Masterclasses The “Open science” project Visits of students in laboratories Visits to CERN and other major labs abroad
Day of CERN, 2004
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Students, teachers Covered by J.D. in his talk Weeks of science, open days Day of CERN EPPOG International Masterclasses The “Open science” project Visits of students in laboratories Visits to CERN and other major labs abroad
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague European Masterclasses
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Students, teachers Covered by J.D. in his talk Weeks of science, open days Day of CERN EPPOG International Masterclasses The “Open science” project Visits of students in laboratories Visits to CERN and other major labs abroad
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Students, teachers Covered by J.D. in his talk Weeks of science, open days Day of CERN European Masterclasses The “Open science” project Visits of students in laboratories Visits to CERN and other major labs abroad
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Students visiting ATLAS
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague General public TV, radio, press, web pages Open days at the labs Science at the streets project Public lectures
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague General public TV, radio, press, web pages Open days at the labs Science at the streets project Public lectures
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Science at the streets
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague General public TV, radio, press, web pages Open days at the labs Science at the streets project Public lectures
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Media Cooperation with journalists, especially TV journalists Original Czech TV documentaries about CERN and particle physics, shots in TV news, Czech dubbing of foreign documentaries Radio Press conferences, round tables
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Czech TV crews at CERN
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Media Cooperation with journalists, especially TV journalists Original Czech TV documentaries about CERN and particle physics, shots in TV news, Czech dubbing of foreign documentaries Radio Press conferences, round tables
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague TV documentary from the series Planet Science, Czech TV, 2006
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Media Cooperation with journalists, especially TV journalists Original Czech TV documentaries about CERN and particle physics, shots in TV news, Czech dubbing of foreign documentaries Radio Press conferences, round tables
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Particle physics on the radio
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Media Cooperation with journalists, especially TV journalists Original Czech TV documentaries about CERN and particle physics, shots in TV news, Czech dubbing of foreign documentaries Radio Press conferences, round tables
Round table on particle physics, Week of science and technology
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague A couple of remarks Personal contacts with people Opportunities offered by events like conferences, exhibitions, anniversaries etc. (CERN traveling exhibition) On the importance of being on TV
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Everybody is impressed by visiting CERN, the impact of seeing by one’s own eyes and feeling the atmosphere cannot be overestimated
9 March 2007J. Rameš, RECFA Meeting, Prague Great opportunity for making particle physics visible is the LHC start-up