Miron Livny Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison Welcome and Condor Project Overview
A very warm welcome to the 3 rd Annual ParaDyn-Condor meeting!!! (the cold weather is not part of the plan)
The Condor Project (Established ‘85) Distributed Computing research performed by a team of 30 faculty, full time staff and students who face software engineering challenges in a UNIX/Linux/NT environment, are involved in national and international collaborations, actively interact with users, maintain and support a distributed production environment, and educate and train students. Funding – DoD, DoE, NASA, NIH, NSF,AT&T, INTEL, Microsoft and the UW Graduate School.
A Multifaceted Project › Harnessing the power of clusters - opportunistic and/or dedicated (Condor) › Job management services for Grid applications (Condor-G, DaPSched) › Fabric management services for Grid resources (Condor, GlideIns, NeST) › Distributed I/O technology (PFS, Kangaroo, NeST) › Job-flow management (DAGMan, Condor) › Distributed monitoring and management (HawkEye) › Technology for Distributed Systems (ClassAD, MW)
Resource Local Resource Manager Owner Agent Matchmaker Customer Agent Application Agent Application The Layers of Condor Remote Execution Agent Submit (user) Execute (owner)
Harnessing … › More than 300 pools with more than 8500 CPUs worldwide. › More than 1800 CPUs in 10 pools on our campus › Established a “complete” production environment for the UW CMS group › Many new NT/W2K pools (TMC) › Adopted by the “real world” (Galileo, Maxtor, Micron, Oracle, Tigr, … )
the G rid … › Close collaboration and coordination with the Globus Project – joint development, adoption of common protocols, technology exchange, … › Partner in major national Grid R&D 2 (Research, Development and Deployment) efforts (GriPhyN, iVDGL, IPG, TeraGrid) › Close collaboration with Grid projects in Europe (EDG, GridLab, e-Science)
User/Application Fabric ( processing, storage, communication ) Grid
User/Application Fabric ( processing, storage, communication ) Grid Condor Globus Toolkit Condor
distributed I/O … › Close collaboration with the Scientific Data Management Group at LBL. › Provide management services for distributed data storage resources › Provide management and scheduling services for Data Placement jobs (DaPs) › Effective, secure and flexible remote I/O capabilities › Exception handling
job flow management … › Adoption of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) as a common job flow abstraction. › Adoption of the DAGMan as an effective solution to job flow management.
Challenges Ahead › Ride the “Grid Wave” without losing our balance › Leverage the talent and expertise of our faculty (Distributed I/O, Performance Monitoring, Distributed Scheduling, Networking, Security, Applications) › Integrate “Grid technology” into effective end-to-end solutions › Develop a framework and tools for “trouble shooting” applications, middleware and communication services in a distributed environment › Private networks › Establish a “build and test” facility in support of the NSF National Middleware Initiative (NMI) › Scale our Master Worker framework to 10,000 workers. › Re-evaluate our binary and source code distribution policies
First, get the mechanisms in place.