1 Welcome ! Dongchul Son Center for High Energy Physics Kyungpook National University International Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects (Ecloud 07) April.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome ! Dongchul Son Center for High Energy Physics Kyungpook National University International Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects (Ecloud 07) April 9-12, 2007 Hotel Interburgo, Daegu, Korea

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, CHEP  was established July 1, 2000  being supported by MOST through KOSEF  The “High Energy Physics” is a top-downed field for the Center of Excellence (COE) Program by MOST/KOSEF  Hosted by Kyungpook National University, Daegu  Annual Budget: ~ 2 billion Wons ~ 1 billion Wons (US$1M) from KOSEF Supports from KNU, and other projects ~ 1 billion Wons  Manpower : ~150 people including graduate students

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Mission ▸ Perform world class research in high energy physics, high energy astroparticle physics ▸ Provide accelerators, detector, and supports for national and international research programs in high energy physics ▸ Develop and advance new technology related to new accelerators, detectors and related devices ▸ Transfer practical knowledge and innovative technologies to the private sector ▸ Contribute to the education of the next generation of scientists and engineers, and to the scientific awareness of the public ▸ Perform world class research in high energy physics, high energy astroparticle physics ▸ Provide accelerators, detector, and supports for national and international research programs in high energy physics ▸ Develop and advance new technology related to new accelerators, detectors and related devices ▸ Transfer practical knowledge and innovative technologies to the private sector ▸ Contribute to the education of the next generation of scientists and engineers, and to the scientific awareness of the public

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Brief Introduction  Manpower COE program supports 20~22 faculty members from Kyungpook NU and participating major prominent universities, i.e., Seoul NU, Korea Inst. of Advanced Study Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. and Tech, Ewha Women U, Yonsei U, Korea U, Konkuk U, SKKU, Chonnam NU, Chonbuk NU, Gyeongsang NU, Pusan NU Postech Total ~150 people including ~90 Graduate Students  In Kyungpook NU, 29 Ph. D. (15 faculty and 14 associates) are in the fields of High Energy Particle and Nuclear Physics as well as Accelerator Physics

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Major Research Projects I  On-going experimental works and related theoretical works High Luminosity electron-positron experiment at KEK, Japan in Belle Collaboration – CM energy: 10 GeV Discovery of X (3872) particle, etc. High Energy proton-antiproton scattering experiment at Fermliab, US in CDF Collaboration - CM energy: 14 TeV Neutrino Oscillation Experiment at KEK & Super-K in (K2K, Super-K, T2K) collaborations.

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Major Research Projects II  Preparing experiments p-p collisions at 14 TeV with Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) at LHC in CERN, Geneva Data Center, Analysis Outer-space HEP experiment (AMS) at the International Space Station (ISS) International Linear Collider electron-positron collider, at 1 TeV Accelerators and Detectors Bunch compressor, Damping Ring, Silicon Detectors, etc. Superconducting Cavity / Klystron, etc.

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, TIFR/CAT/IUAC - ILC Acc. R/D - WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) - ILC Accelerator & Detector R/D - HEP Data Center (T1/T2/T3) - J-PARC International Cooperation/Collaborations - ILC Acc. - ZEUS - CMS - WLCG 개발 - Joint Lab CERN DESY - ILC Acc. - Data Center IHEP/China TIFR/CAT/IUAC - ILC Acc. R/D India - Belle - T2K - ILC Acc. & Detector - Grid Computing - Networking KEK/Japan Australia/New Zealand - Computing R/D - ILC Acc. SLAC - PHENIX - CDF Exp. - Grid / WLCG FNAL - WLCG - Computing Taiwan - Grid Computing - Networking, - Ultra-light, T1,T2 Centers Caltech CHEP Korea BNL - Grid Computing - Open Science Grid - iVDGL Florida -AMS Exp -MIT, Aachen -ETH, etc. ISS(NASA)

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Vision VisionVision ▸ Perform world class research in high energy physics, high energy astroparticle physics ▸ Provide accelerators, detector, and supports for national and international research programs in high energy physics ▸ Develop and advance new technology related to new accelerators, detectors and related devices ▸ Transfer practical knowledge and innovative technologies to the private sector ▸ Contribute to the education of the next generation of scientists and engineers, and to the scientific awareness of the public MissionMission

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, HEP Summer Schools every June

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Special Events for Public

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, 주요 학회 관련 자료

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9,

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Coming Major Conference: Lepton-Photon 2007

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Institutions (HEP, HENP, Acc) Seoul NU, Korea, Yonsei, KIAS, Sogang, Hanyang. Sungkyunkwan, Kyunghee, Konkuk, Sejong, UoSeoul, Ewha W, etc. Seoul NU, Korea, Yonsei, KIAS, Sogang, Hanyang. Sungkyunkwan, Kyunghee, Konkuk, Sejong, UoSeoul, Ewha W, etc. KAIST, Chungnam NU Chungbuk NU Nat Ed U. KBSII, KAERI, KISTI, KASI, KARI, etc. KAIST, Chungnam NU Chungbuk NU Nat Ed U. KBSII, KAERI, KISTI, KASI, KARI, etc. Chonbuk NU,Wonkwang Chonnam NU, Dongshin Cheju NU Gyeongsang NU Pusan NU, Inje, Kyungsung, etc CHEP-Kyungpook NU, Keimung,Taegu, Youngnam, DCU, APCPT, PAL, Postech CHEP-Kyungpook NU, Keimung,Taegu, Youngnam, DCU, APCPT, PAL, Postech Kangnung, Kangwon ~ 57 Institutions ~150 Experimental HE & N Physicists ~ 200 Theoretical HE Physicists ~ 100 Accelerator Experts cf. Pop. ~48million ~ 57 Institutions ~150 Experimental HE & N Physicists ~ 200 Theoretical HE Physicists ~ 100 Accelerator Experts cf. Pop. ~48million Exp HEP Programs others

D. Son, e-cloud 07, April 9, Seoul NU (host) HEP Organizations Kyungpook NU (host) Kyungpook NU (host) CHEP (2000) CHEP (2000) Seoul NU Korea U SKKU Chonnam NU Konkuk U Gyeongsang NU POSTECH Ewha WU Chonbuk NU KAIST KIAS Yonsei U Daegu U Donga U Dongshin U Pusan NU Sogang (host) Sogang (host) CQUeST (2005) CQUeST (2005) Seoul NU SKKU Ewha WU U Seoul Kangwon NU Kyunghee Yonsei U KIAS Hanyang U POSTECH Chonbuk NU Seoul NU SKKU Ewha WU U Seoul Kangwon NU Kyunghee Yonsei U KIAS Hanyang U POSTECH Chonbuk NU POSTECH (host) POSTECH (host) PAL (1988) PAL (1988) Seoul NU (host) Seoul NU (host) CTP (1990) CTP (1990) POSTECH (host) POSTECH (host) APCTP (1997) APCTP (1997) KAIST (host) KAIST (host) KIAS (1996) KIAS (1996) DMRC (2000) DMRC (2000) of Korea U KODEL (1997) KODEL (1997) GSNU Emulsion Group Emulsion Group And others (KAERI, etc.) And others Experiments Accelerator R/D Phenomenology Astro-Particle Physics HE Nuclear Physics 29 PhD’s at Kyungpook >50 Faculty & Assoc. from collaborating U. QFT String 20 Faculty members Ewha W U (host) MEMSTEL (2006) MEMSTEL (2006)

16 Thank you very much for coming and please enjoy the Spring in Daegu !!!