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Spanish History Spain was first settled by the Iberians Spain was first settled by the Iberians Roman Empire Roman Empire Muslim Spain Muslim Spain The Fall of Muslim Rule The Fall of Muslim Rule Spanish Inquisition Spanish Inquisition Renaissance to 19 th Century Renaissance to 19 th Century 20 th Century 20 th Century
21 st Century-Madrid Bombings 21 st Century-Madrid Bombings On March 11, 2004, a series of bombs exploded in commuter trains in Madrid On March 11, 2004, a series of bombs exploded in commuter trains in Madrid 192 people dead and 1,460 wounded 192 people dead and 1,460 wounded Effect on the upcoming elections in Spain Effect on the upcoming elections in Spain
Military Power Military Power Military Branches Military Branches Military Service Age Military Service Age Manpower available for military service Manpower available for military service –9,366,588 (2005 est.) Manpower fit for military service Manpower fit for military service –7,623,356 (2005 est.) Military Expenditures Military Expenditures Military Expenditures (% GDP) Military Expenditures (% GDP)
Government Government Country Name Country Name Government Type Government Type Capital Capital Branches of Government Branches of Government
Economy Economy GDP GDP GDP Composition GDP Composition Agriculture Agriculture Industry Industry Oil Oil Currency Currency
Demographics Demographics Population-40,341,462 (July 2005 est.) Population-40,341,462 (July 2005 est.) Population Growth Rate- 0.15% Population Growth Rate- 0.15% Language Language Religion Religion Ethnic Groups Ethnic Groups
Country Statistics Country Statistics Area-total: 504,782 sq km Area-total: 504,782 sq km Coastline Coastline Climate Climate Natural Resources Natural Resources Natural Hazards Natural Hazards Geographical Note Geographical Note
References References "Spain." CIA-the World Factbook. 10 Jan CIA. 20 Mar "Spain." Wikipedia. 20 Mar Mar
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