2003 LBA Ops meeting Tasso Tzioumis
Previous LBA ops meeting 3 April 2003, Hobart Minutes on Action Items! Quick review Keep in mind during this meeting.
? 1) Investigate whether a sufficiently sensitive broadband system (either 4-7 GHz or 6-8 GHz) can be constructed for Ceduna [Action Peter McCulloch] X 2) Make Mopra controllable from the PCFS [Action Chris Phillips] X 3) Commisioning of XY phase measurement system at Mopra [Action John Reynolds, Warwick Wilson] X 4) Reduction of difference in cable lengths at Mopra [Action Tasso Tzioumis] X 5) Modifications to CACAL/CATIE to reduce improve phase tracking at 22 GHz [Action Tasso Tzioumis, John Reynolds] X 6) Attempt a 3mm VLBI test experiment Narrabri-Mopra once final 3mm systems installed at each location. [Action Tasso Tzioumis] +? 7) HP synthesiser currently at Ceduna, to be returned to Parkes [Action Simon Ellingsen] + 8) Determine who is maintaining the Parkes maser, last serviced by NML in 1998 [Action John Reynolds] X 9) ATCA pipeline to provide online total flux measurement, plus a flag for bad fit (similar to work required for VO) [Action Dave McConnell] X? 10) Gain curves need to be produced for all antennas, particularly at higher frequencies. these to Roopesh for inclusion on LBA web site [Action John Reynolds, Simon Ellingsen, Jim Lovell, Tasso Tzioumis]
? 11) Produce a checklist for observers containing a list of information that should be entered into the PCFS log [Action Roopesh Ojha] + 12) Produce a small number of example key files for scheduling LBA experiments with Craig Walkers SCHED program [Action Chris Phillips] +? 13) Chris Phillips requires the frequency range for each of our receivers so that the information can be included in the SCHED databases [Action Brett Reid, John Reynolds] + 14) Investigate if its possible to make SCHED produce snap files with tape changes on the hour and how to get frequency information written into the.sum files [Action Tasso Tzioumis, Chris Phillips] + 15) It is desirable to produce a nice web version of the VLBI schedule such as is done for the ATCA. Dave McConnell will give a copy of his Java program used for the ATCA schedules to John & Jim. [Action Dave McConnell] +? 16) The correlator manual needs updating [Action Tasso Tzioumis] ? 17) We need better integration of the tape, proposal and correlator databases [Action Tasso Tzioumis, Jim Lovell] + 18) ATUC has requested notification to users who's proposals will expire. A list of project which expire during the next term needs to be produced prior to each TAC meeting [Action John Reynolds, Jim Lovell] X 19) AIPS++ is looking for specific science programs to support, we should put forward a list of VLBI requirements [Action Dave McConnell]
Summary on Actions from ‘03 5/19 completed (+) 7/19 not started (x) 4/19 may have started (+? or x?) 3/19 status not known (?) Check again at end on what to carry forward!