5.Sandy:My radio doesn’t work. ____ I use yours, Simon? Sam:Sorry, I don’t have one. You ____ ask Mr Wu. Sandy:Excuse me, Mr Wu. ____ I use your radio? Mine doesn’t work. Mr Wu: Yes, you ___. Here you are. Sandy: Thank you very much. Can can May may
翻译句子 1. 王老师,我可以关窗户吗? Mr Wang, ___ I ___ the window? 2 。小明,我可以开电扇吗? Xiaoming, ___ I __ ___ the electric fan? 3 。西蒙, 我可以看看你的相册吗? Simon,___ I ___ ____ your photo album? 4 。妈妈,今天我可以和你一起去购物吗? Mum, ___ I go ____ ____ you today? 5 。老师,现在我可以去打篮球了吗? Sir,, ___ I go to ____ basketball now? may close can turnon canlook at mayshopping with may play
Our school organizes a class trip to the zoo.Talk about how to plan it. Eg.Can I take my dog to the zoo,xiaoming? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t. Miss Chen, may I take a taxi there? Yes, you may./ No. you can’t/mustn’t. Activities—students give a dialogue performance using ‘can’ and ‘may’
If this is your breakfast, how do you have it? Fist,I have… Then,.. Next,… Afterwards,… Finally,…
Do my homeworkGo to bed Do after-school activities Get up Go to school
sandy 的生活很有规律,请根据图画按 顺序写出她一天的活动。 Sandy is a good student. She gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning.First, she _________________. …
First, she ____________________. ____, she ____________________. ____, she ___________________. ____, she ____________________. Sandy is a good student. She gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning. has breakfast goes to school plays badminton does her homework goes to bed Then Afterwards Next Finally
Please talk about your life in the morning. What do you often do after you go home on Saturday afternoon? Activities—talk about the sequencing events in different conditions
能谈谈你通常星期天做什么事情? I have a lot of things to do on Sunday. First, I ______________________. ____, I ______________________.
1.What is she wearing? 2.What is she doing? 3.Can a nurse wear it when she is working ? She is wearing a dress. She is dancing. Of course not./No, she can’t.
1.What are they doing? 2. What are they wearing? 3.When can we wear sports clothes? They are playing basketball. They are wearing sports clothes. When we have sports.
Is he wearing a jacket? What is he wearing? 2.Does he look cool? 3.Can he wear shorts when he’s speaking? No. He’s wearing a suit. Yes,he does No,he can’t.
Sandy and her mother are talking about what to wear. Listen carefully to their conversation and find out what they are going to wear.
s s M MS M √ √ √ √ √ √
Listen to Sandy and her mum’s conversation again. Write down the suitable clothes in the table below. Going on a trip A cotton ⑴ ___________ A pair of ⑵ __________ A pair of comfortable ⑶ ______________ Going for a dinner party A blue ⑷ ____________ A ⑸ _______ silk blouse White ⑹ ____________ shoes jumperjeans trainers suit white leather
Sandy will wear a cotton jumper and jeans because she will feel comfortable in them.She doesn’t wear leather boots because they will make her feet hot.She will wear her white and red trainers.They’re comfortable and light and match her jumper. Sandy’s mother will wear the blue suit with her white silk blouse because she looks good in blue. She has a pair of black shoes and a pair of white leather shoes. And she will wear the white leather ones because they match her suit.
Sandy is writing a diary about her conversation with her mother. Complete her diary using the information in Part A2 on P101.
jumpersjeans trainers blue suit blue blouse leatherblue suit
What is it made of? It is made of cotton. cotton
What is it made of ? It is made of silk. silk
What is it made of? It is made of wool. wool
What are they made of ? They are made of leather. leather
What is it made of? nylon It is made of nylon..
What is this bag made of? It’s made of leather. (be made of… 由 …… 制成 )
What are these scarves made of ? They are made of silk.
What is this made of? It’s made of wool.
What is this shirt made of? It’s made of cotton.
Give you more words to talk about the different materials for making clothes. What is /are …made of ? It’s/They’re made of…. (wool, cotton, silk, leather, nylon (尼龙), polyester (化纤), plastic (塑料)
Read these words These words have one syllable: town swim tie cool sound knock These words have two syllables: en`joy bo`ring jum`per di`et o`ften fa`shion kit`chen grand`pa bis`cuit These words have three or more syllables: shop`kee`per in`teres`ting bas`ket`ball fa`vou`rite com`for`ta`ble sin`cere`ly
Listen to these words and try to hear the different syllables of the words.Write down the numbers of syllables in each word in the blanks. 1.house _____ 6. shopping _____ 2.master _____ 7. December _____ 3.father _____ 8. Saturday _____ 4.school _____ 9.cabbage _____ 5.summer _____ 10. also ______
cartoon weekend cleverhomework footballmodern
判断下面每组单词词尾 -s/es 读音是否一致,一 致的写 S ,不一致的写 D ( )1. tomatoes apples( )2.shirts beds ( )3.oranges knives ( )4.wishes radios ( )5.houses stories ( )6.schools dogs ( )7.mangoes bikes ( )8.desks ships S S D D S S DS
请将下列单词按音节归类 tired stationery trousers lazy silk activity shorts country trainers shopkeeper February Saturday interesting congratulation kitchen 单音节: 双音节: 多音节: tired shorts silk trou`sers la`zy coun`try trai`ners ki`tchen sta`tione`ry ac`ti`vi`ty shop`kee`per Feb`rua`ry Sa`tur`day in`teres`ting con`gra`tu`la`tion