맞춤형 방송 서비스 기술 전자부품연구원 디지털미디어연구센터 이석필 맞춤형 방송 서비스 기술 전자부품연구원 디지털미디어연구센터 이석필 ICAT 2005
목차 1. 맞춤형 방송 서비스 ? 2. 맞춤형 방송관련 표준 동향 3. 맞춤형 방송 서비스 예 4. 국내외 관련 기술 동향
What ’ s Metadata ?
맞춤형 방송 서비스 Simpler ways for the consumer to acquire TV content on local storage –click on EPG, trailer, website groups > programmes > segments –series, related material –news items, parts of programmes Personalisation and automatic recording “Watch what you want, when you want”
Metadata? Content is King, Metadata is Queen!!! Data about Contents Contents Description Information MPEG-7, TV Anytime Forum, CableLabs
Content Description Metadata Description Audio/Video Information Program Information Group Information Media Review DS Instance Description Metadata Program Location Service Information Segmentation Metadata Segment Information Segment Group Information Consumer Metadata User Preference Usage History Metadata
Metadata Process
Choose product from catalogue Get product Take piece of paper to someone elsePay, and get a piece of paper Location resolution metadata acquire search select (from the TV Anytime Forum material) Selection Mechanism using Metadata
맞춤형 방송 관련 표준 현황
TVA Metadata Assists the consumer in selecting content Supports creation and use of user profiles TVA metadata includes –Program information, Segmentation information –Related material information –Purchase information –User profiles, Usage history TVA metadata uses a CRID to refer to content
Why standardised metadata? Standardised metadata allows –authoring once for many destinations –metadata authoring tools that can be supplied to many different customers –editing of metadata that has come from many sources –economy of scale for broadcasters & manufacturers
Content Referencing The CRID (Content Reference Identifier) allows for location independent referencing of content It is assigned by an authority which also has the ability to resolve the CRID to a location A CRID points to a single piece of content or a series of other CRIDs
Why do we need Content Referencing? The same metadata can be used for content regardless of where and when it is broadcast To reference groups of programmes such as an entire series References can be given before time & channel has been decided References work even if there is a change to the scheduled transmission time
CRID – definition Format of authority: CRID:// / DNS name
All episodes of Foxes ever More Foxes than you can handle crid://hbc.com/comedy/all The one where Fox jumps in the Potomac Fox goes to Washington and jumps in the Potomac crid://hbc.com/foxes/all The one where Fox drowns in the Lake of Geneva Fox goes to Geneva and tries to climb the fountain crid://hbc.com/foxes/all CRID Group information Program information CRID – Grouping example
CRID – Resolution CRID TOP locator CRID A CRID B CRID C CRID B1 CRID B2 locator A CRID can resolve to other CRIDs At some point, CRIDs must resolve to locations CRIDs resolve to lists (of CRIDs or locators)
TV Anytime typical flow of data Content providers will publish information (metadata) about their content, which can be used in a search and select process Selected content can be located and acquired for viewing A finishing phase is foreseen e.g. to deal with PPV scenarios
DVB S/C/T etc + Anything supporting IP DVB-TS and/or DVB-IP Protocols MHP (Interactivity) Mobility, Storage, Networking Audio/Video Service Descriptors Content Protection Metadata Storage DVB 2.0 Tool Box
맞춤형 방송 서비스 예
Example Applications Recording from a trailer My Electronic Program Guide Searching for interesting programs Segmentation Personalized Service Targeting Service
Digital Broadcasting - Specification: ATSC 및 DVB - Focus on A/V – HD(High Definition) TV- 16:9 – SD(Standard Definition) TV- 4:3 Digital Broadcasting (A/V)
- Spec.: ATSC-ACAP, DVB-MHP, OpenCable-OCAP - Dec. 2000: Adopting Data Broadcasting Spec. in Korea - May. 2002: Test Data Broadcasting complied with DASE in Korea Digital Audio/Video Data Broadcasting Digital Data Broadcasting
Anytime Service: Users can Watch what you want, when you want Personal TV –User Profile Control –Metadata –RMP/IPMP Content Creator Broadcaster Network Provider ISP Personalized Service
Set Top Box CSP (Content Service Provider) Metadata Generator Interactive Metadata Description Metadata 생성 Metadata DB Location Resolution Server CSP (Content Service Provider) Metadata Generator - Content Description Metadata - Instance Description Metadata - Segmentation Metadata Interactive Metadata Description Metadata editing Content Search/Navigation CRIDs CRID Locators DB Search Metadata publish CRID Selection Locator Selection Search /Navigation Server Locator Content Operation Flow for Personalized Service
Recording from a trailer
Recording from a Web page
My EPG Using TV Anytime data, you can create an EPG with data from many sources.
Detailed program information
Searching for interesting programs Using TV Anytime data, a consumer can search for interesting content without knowing where or when it will be broadcast
Value Chain of Targeting Service 콘텐츠 제공자 및 ISP - 타게팅 서비스를 통한 주문형 서비스 제공 - 시청자들과의 다양한 링크로 인한 다양한 콘텐츠 제공 - 원하는 방송프로그램 및 콘텐츠의 맞춤형 서비스 제공 받음 - 다양한 포맷의 콘텐츠의 TV 를 통 한 시청 시청자 방송사업자 - 전 방송프로그램시간의 Prime Time 화 => 광고수익 극대화 - 타케팅서비스를 통한 개인 맞 춤형 광고서비스 제공 콘텐츠 제공 제작비 및 수익금 분배 방송프로그램 제공 가입비 및 시청료 광고 주 광고료 서비스 이용료 타케팅 서비스 가전사 / 부품사 - 고마진 디지털 기기판매 - 신규 핵심 부품 판매 광고료 구매
국내외 개발동향
Key Features Supports DVR functions for both SD & HD content HD ¼ Screen Video Dual HD Decode 120 GB Hard Drive DVI 1.0 output with HDCP (DVI-D) connector standard Options IEEE 1394/5C 160 GB Hard Drive An Example of US PVR
Status Bar Tivo’s Suggestion Tivo-OSD(1)
Recording by Title Manual Recording Tivo-OSD(2)
Networked PVR Home Theatre Multi-Room DVR Plus Home Theatre ● Games ● MP3 Music ● Digital Photos ● Camcorders ● More New Games MP3s Photos Camcorders PVRs in Home
DVR today 80GB 3.5 ” IDE storage for SD and analog encoded content Typical analog encode rate 5.55 Mbps (2.5 GB/hr) Typical SD broadcast rate 3.5 Mbps (1.58 GB/hr) Ability to concurrently stream four sources Introduction of HD-DVR Regular HD at 19.5 Mbps (8.58 GB/hr) HBO HD at 15 Mbps (6.75 GB/hr) Introduction of Multi-Room Solutions Enable access to HDD content by other boxes in the home Drives multiple concurrent streams up to 7 Multi-Room HD becomes near-term holy grail target 7 x 19.5Mbps = 136.5Mbps (~ 17MB/s) In-Home Trends
일본의 관련 서비스 계획
Personal Video Receiver User metadata HD D Segmented Ad Commercial Video insertion TV Set TV program and ads with User Description metadata. ( Wine ad, Beer ad) On Air (Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting) Beer commercial is inserted into the ad break. User preferences metadata. Ex. Father’s favorite drink is Beer Mother’s favorite drink is Wine The present viewer is “Father” Automatic Ad. Insertion using Metadata
Web site Client User profile DB Service Engine Recommendation My Page Product Association Collaborative Filtering Analysis Engine Clustering Personalization Engine Contents DB Voting Info. DB Personalized Engine: Server Side
Content Provider Recommend, record, and delete desirable TV program based on viewer’s preference Information User preference modeling into preference information based on a viewer’s taste Content Provider using Broadcast, cable, internet. User Behavior Collector User Profile Usage History PSIP C.P. 1 C.P. 2 C.P. 3 C.P. n TV Program info. VOD/AOD Download Robot DTV Data Collecting Robot Program Scheduler Program Recommender Virtual Channel Channel Skipper Service Engine Profile Analyzer Program Preference Predictor Keyword-based Analyzer User Preference Engine Intelligent Storage Manager Automatic Recorder Personalized Engine: Client Side
Metadata Generator
양방향 맞춤형 단말시스템
Segmentation Browser
검색 결과 표시
개인별 저장화면
케이블 위성 공중파 인터넷 휴대형 Anywhere 휴대형 Anytime Multi-Format A/V Data Handheld Mobile PDA 휴대형 미디어 플레이어 PC 휴대형 PNGTV 거치형 Home 컨텐츠 복제 방지 Anytime/Anywhere/Any-format Next Generation Personal TV
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