Domestic Energy Consumption North Kivu
Energy Production Charcoal production in Bulengo IDP Camp
Energy Consumption Local girls crossing Mugunga III returning to town after collecting wood near if not in Virunga Park borders
Charcoal Consumption A $30 Million Dollar/Year Industry
Open Fires: High levels of smoke emissions and wood consumption
Traditional 3 Stone Fire: Large volume of smoke emission and high wood consumption
Jiko Mwanya (MC Model 1) Large feed door, consumes too much wood
Metal Skirt (MC Model 2): Positive qualities: Limited feed and pot heated by metal skirt, thus cooking time decreased, and wood consumption reduced. Problems: heavy and difficult to move
Different prototypes created and tested by Mercy Corps DRC
Selected Models: Household metal Rocket Stove (left) and briquette stoves (B10). Very efficient, smoke is reduced, relatively light and mobile. Expected production: 6,000 stoves by December 2010
The Institutional Stove: Reduces wood consumption by 75%