Book by: Karen Karbo Book Report by: Hunter Lee
Minerva Clark is a Loving Pet- owner, funny,& a fun-person. Minerva is a Loving Pet-owner for Jupiter!!
The beginning: This book is about a girl (Minerva Clark) who hates herself. The middle: Minerva gets hit w/ lightning, then goes to the hospital. The end: Minerva solve a murder mystery (a Book-store owner got killed) the book-store owners name is: Dwight!
When Minerva has to listen to a boring conversation in a art museum. (Pg.53) The art Museum has: Paintings, Fake figures, wax people, and sculptures. Jupiter is w/ Minerva. (Jupiter is Minerva’s pet ferret.)
Yes, I like the book because, I like a funny/mystery books w/ a good end, also because it’s a thriller that will have you at the edge of your seat.
Minerva’s pet ferret!!! Jupiter!!! s/new-juipter-shoe.gif
She is a strong, confident Girl. She is a loving Ferret-owner. She has 2 older brothers, and 2 (amazing), friends named Hannah, and Julia. She is a great girl. g/minerva.jpg clo se out htt p:// ce ntr al. co m/ upl oa ds/ 88 8/ Mi ner va_ Cla rk.j pg eoutcentr oads/888/ Minerva_C lark.jpg
Minerva’s older brother. He’s a computer genius. His favorite T.V. show is Law & Order. Minerva is little sister Morgan is the 2 nd older brother.
He helps Minerva after her cousin (Jordan) is sent to trial at Jail. His favorite movie is M
She is a great student. She gets arrested for no reason.