La clase de Espa ñ ol de la Se ñ ora Fenton
Languages and Culture
What does it mean to live in a multicultural society?
Languages are all around us
Some of the goals in our class are… If you would like to read more about how your children are learning languages in Middle School you can visit the following website
Advances in the FL Classroom Songs, chants. Practice the vocabulary with rhythmic patterns. For example: Alphabet, numbers, days of the week, Total Physical Response (creating gestures to remember the vocabulary) Teaching Proficiency through storytelling. (legends and fables) Web Page Activities Reading Logs Worksheets Powerpoint presentations for the vocabulary and visual aids. White board activities. Creation of dialogues using picture prompts or clip art. Role-play different ways to greet friends and adults at different times of the day with several partners. Acting out the classroom commands while listening to them on CD, inferring their meanings. Audio CD listening and comprehension activities. Identify holidays in Spanish-speaking countries. Enrichment projects: Investigate the origins of the Aztec calendar using the Internet and relate it to the modern calendar.
Every student begins each marking period with 100 points. If all rules are followed and assignments are completed properly every student should get 100 points or 25% or their grade. Penalty points are subtracted each time the student comes to class unprepared or is not responsible in some way. This also includes tardiness to class, incomplete homework assignments, no participation during class, attendance to class without their textbook, workbook, notebook or pencil/pen. Irresponsibility during class includes gum chewing, writing on desks and disruption during class. Classroom Performance Points
Grading Policy 50% ----tests, quizzes and unannounced quizzes 25%-----homework, projects, essays, etc 25%--- CLASS PERFORMANCE (good behavior,responsibility and class participation/positive attitude)
if you have any questions or need to contact me, please write to me at: