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Eye Ear Taste/ Smell Random Random #2 Random #3
What is the name given to the colored portion of the eye? A 100
Iris A 100
The sclera is commonly referred to as what part of the eye? A 200
The white of the eye A 200
What part of the eye is transparent and holds in fluid just in front of the lens? A 300
Cornea A 300
Which photoreceptors of the retina are responsible for peripheral and night vision? A 400
Rods A 400
Which gland is responsible for producing tears? A 500
Lacrimal gland A 500
Which part of the ear is lined with cilia that are triggered by sound and sends nerve signals to transmit impulses to the brain? B 100
Cochlea B 100
What is the visible portion of the outer ear called? B 200
pinna B 200
Which part of the ear is responsible for our sense of dynamic balance? B 300
Semicircular canals B 300
There are three small bones in the middle ear. Which bone transfers vibrations from the first bone to the third bone? B 400
“Anvil” or Incus B 400
Which tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose allowing for air pressure equilibrium and fluid drainage? B 500
Eustachian (auditory) tube B 500
What are the cells that penetrate the ethmoid bone and cribiform plate for smell? C 100
“olfactory cells” C 100
What are the 5 basic taste sensations? C 200
Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami C 200
What are the specific cells that respond to dissolved chemicals in saliva? C 300
Gustatory cells C 300
What is the name used to describe both taste and smell receptors? C 400
Chemoreceptors C 400
What is the disorder where a person loses their sense of smell? C 500
anosmia C 500
Name the 3 layers of the eye from outer to inner. D 100
Scelera, Choroid, Retina or Fibrous, Vascular, Sensory D 100
Which nerve relays the sense of smell? Give name and nerve number. D 200
I Olfactory Nerve D 200
What are the 6 eye muscles? D 300
Superior, Inferior, Medial, Lateral Rectus Superior and Inferior Oblique D 300
What is the delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers part of the outer surface of the eye? D 400
Conjunctiva D 400
What are the internal eye muscles that move the lens? D 500
Ciliary body D 500
Where is the blind spot on the retina? E 100
Optic disc (no rods and cones) E 100
Lack of which photoreceptors results in color blindness? E 200
cones E 200
Which humor is found in front of the lens? E 300
Aqueous humor E 300
What is the disorder when the lens becomes hard and opaque (milky)? E 400
Cataracts E 400
What is the region of the retina with the highest density of cones and allows for optimal clear vision? E 500
Fovea centralis E 500
What part of the inner ear is responsible for static equilibrium? F 100
Vestibule F 100
F 200 What inside the semicircular canals moves the hairs?
The capula F 200
What inside the vestibule moves the hairs F 300
otoliths F 300
Name the 3 middle ear bones F 400
Malleus, incus, stapes F 400
What membrane seperates the outer ear from the middle ear? F 500
Tympanic membrane F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Nerves Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Which nerve sends signals to the brain for both static and dynamic equilibrium? Click on screen to continue
Vestibularchoclear Click on screen to continue
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