The Russian Revolution, 1917 Causes and Effects Lenin addresses a crowd
Widespread discontent-all classes Agitation from revolutionaries Weak leadership of Tsar Nicholas II Defeat in Russo Japanese War, 1905 Bloody Sunday, 1905 Losses in WWI Causes of the 1917 Russian Revolution Demonstrators march on Winter Palace, 1905
The Russian Revolution-Causes and Effects Demonstrations in Petrograd Abdication of Tsar Nicholas (March) Growing power of local councils (soviet), especially the Petrograd Soviet Lenin’s return to Russia (April) Army Order Number 1 issued (May) Agrarian upheaval (Summer) Alexander Kerensky becomes Prime Minister (July) Failure of provisional government Bolshevik takeover under Lenin (Nov) Russian Revolution of 1917 Nicholas II, March 1917, shortly after the revolution brought about his abdication.
Effects of the 1917 Russian Revolution Peace w/ Germany- Treaty of Brest Litovsk (1918) Civil War ( ) Russian economy in ruins Trotsky effectively reorganizes the military Use of Cheka Ineffective Allied aid to Whites Bolshevik victory in civil war & control of gov’t " Mount your horses, workers and peasants! The Red Cavalry is the guarantee of victory."
How did each of the following events help the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control? March Revolution 1917 Forced tsar to abdicate – allowed Duma to set up provisional gov’t. October (Bolshevik) Revolution 1917 Toppled provisional gov’t, gave power to Bolsheviks Civil War between the Red and White Armies Caused millions of deaths, showed that Bolsheviks able to maintain power and crush opposition What role did each of the following individuals play in the Russian Revolution? Karl Marx Ideas formed basis for revolutionary gov’t V.I. Lenin Led Bolshevik revolution Leon Trotsky Commanded Red army and helped negotiate Treaty of Brest Litovsk
How did each of the following events help the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control? March Revolution 1917 October Revolution 1917 Civil War between the Red and White Armies What role did each of the following individuals play in the Russian Revolution? Karl Marx V.I. Lenin Leon Trotsky Answer the following: