Classifying Organisms BacteriaArchaeProtista PlantaeFungiAnimalia
ArchaebacteriaEubacteriaProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimalia Ancient Bacteria Live in harsh places “True” Bacteria Amoeba Euglena Giant Kelp Slime Mold Mushrooms Yeast Green PlantsAnimals 6KingdomSystem
Cell without a nucleus = ____________ (Pro means “NO” nucleus) Cell with a nucleus and organelles surrounded by membranes = _________________ (Eu means “NU” for nucleus) Organism that can make its own food using photosynthesis = ______________ Organism that gets food energy from consuming other organisms = _____________ REMEMBER PROKARYOTE EUKARYOTE AUTOTROPH HETEROTROPH
A ONE-CELLED organism = _____________________ Organism made of many cells = _____________________ REMEMBER UNICELLULAR MULTICELLULAR
DOMAIN: ARCHAEA KINGDOM: ARCHAEBACTERIA Cell Type: Number of Cells: Prokaryotic Unicellular The “EXTREME” Bacteria
DOMAIN: ARCHAEA KINGDOM: ARCHAEBACTERIA Mode of Reproduction: Mode of Nutrition: Asexual Autotroph or Heterotroph Mode of Movement: Sessile
Organisms that can live in HIGH temperature environments = ________________ Organisms that can live in high salt environments = ______________ HALOPHILES THERMOPHILES
Kingdom: Archaebacteria Scientific Name: Methanosarcina This microbe thrives where there is no oxygen. Places lacking oxygen are called anaerobic. Methane producers live in swamps, in the guts of cows and deer, in human bowels, and in sewage. This microbe, known as a methanogen, produces methane, also known as swampgas. Other microbes that live in anaerobic environments give off acetate, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide as wastes. Methanosarcina consumes these biproducts to get energy for itself. It then gives off methane gas.
Photomicrographs of a subseafloor thermophile isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluids. This organism eats sulfur and hydrogen and fixes its own carbon from carbon dioxide. (A, B) Scanning electron micrographs, and (C, D) transmission electron micrographs thin sections. Kingdom: Archaebacteria Thermophiles = Heat Loving
DOMAIN: BACTERIA KINGDOM: EUBACTERIA Cell Type: Number of Cells: Prokaryotic Unicellular
Mode of Reproduction: Mode of Nutrition: Asexual & Sexual Autotroph or Heterotroph Mode of Movement: Sessile & some Flagella DOMAIN: BACTERIA KINGDOM: EUBACTERIA
Kingdom: Eubacterium Scientific Name: Salmonella typhimurium This bacterium is causes food poisoning. It can grow on poultry, uncooked eggs, and various meats. When these foods are eaten by humans, Salmonella grows in the intestine, producing such symptoms as headaches, chills, vomiting and diarrhea. The long whiplike hairs projecting from this strain are called "flagella". The flagella move this bacterium. A closely related species of S. thyphimurium is S. typhi, the cause of typhoid fever.
Kingdom: Eubacteria Scientific Name: Lactobacillus acidophilus This microbe is a bacterium called Lactobacillus acidophillus. It is special because it can help preserve foods. It does this by making its environment, our food, acidic. This acid makes food taste sour. Some of the foods this microbes helps preserve include cabbage to form sauerkraut, milk to form yoghurt, and flourdough to form sourdough bread. These microbes make acids as a waste product (byproduct) of fermentation. This acid makes the environment toxic to most other microbes which might otherwise ruin the food.
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: PROTISTA Cell Type: Number of Cells: Eukaryotic Mostly Unicellular; some multicellular and colonial
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: PROTISTA Mode of Reproduction: Mode of Nutrition: Asexual & Sexual Autotroph or Heterotroph Mode of Movement: Flagella, Cilia, & Pseudopodia
Kingdom: Protist Slime Mold Spores Many types of microorganisms produce spores. Spores serve a function for microbes similar to the role that seeds serve for plants. These spores are the way that this slime mold reproduces. The spores also help the microbe move around; they blow around on the winds, just as many types of seeds do, until they land and "take root" in a new environment.
Kingdom: Protist Euglena
Kingdom: Protist Green Filamentous Algae
Kingdom: Protist DiatomsAmoeba
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: FUNGI Cell Type: Number of Cells: Eukaryotic Mostly multicellular; some are unicellular
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: FUNGI Mode of Reproduction: Mode of Nutrition: Asexual (Spores) Heterotroph Mode of Movement: Sessile
Kingdom: Fungus Scientific Name: Saccharomyces cereviceae Yeast are small fungi which are incredibly important in the food and beverage industries. Yeast ferement the sugars in fruits to make wine, the sugars in grains to make beers. When grown in the presence of oxygen, yeast give off the gas carbon dioxide which makes bread rise. Yeast can grow with oxygen, (aerobically) or without oxygen (anaerobically.) Because it can grow either aerobically or anaerobically, it is known as a "facultative aerobe." a.k.a. Yeast
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: PLANTAE Cell Type: Number of Cells: Eukaryotic multicellular
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: PLANTAE Mode of Reproduction: Mode of Nutrition: Sexual & Asexual (Seeds) Autotroph Mode of Movement: Sessile
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: ANIMALIA Cell Type: Number of Cells: Eukaryotic multicellular
DOMAIN: EUKARYA KINGDOM: ANIMALIA Mode of Reproduction: Mode of Nutrition: Sexual (Meiosis) Heterotroph Mode of Movement: Some Sessile Some Flagella Most Muscular