A luminium Cans can be recycled. B uy In bulk.
C hoose Products with less packaging. D onate Old books, magazines, toys and clothes.
E gg Cartons for planting seedlings. F eed Scraps to the dog.
G lass Bottles can be recycled. H orotiu Landfill.
I Dea: Kitchen scraps for pig farmers. J Unkmail Used as bedding for pets.
K erbside Recycling. L andfill
M END Broken items instead of throwing them out. n ewspaper
O rganic Waste p aper And plastic.
Q Uickly Pick up your rubbish. R Educe, Reuse, Recycle
S ort Your rubbish. T ake Your own plastic bags to the supermarket.
U se Plastic bags for bin liners. V Ermi- culture (Worm Farming)
W Orm Farm x Tra Yucky rubbish!
y uck z Ero waste
BY: Isabelle Johnson