EAR LAVAGE Make sure consent is signed.
Ear Irrigation Procedure Purpose: To clean the external ear of cerumen or a foreign body.
Cross section of the ear See pg 1 of packet. Has a picture of a cross section of the ear, external ear.. Start reading: “The ear is a complex organ. It is responsible for hearing, the sense by which we perceive sounds…. It is also involved in physical equilibrium.”
Ear lavage
Normal tympanic membrane
Equipment / supplies Basin for irrigation solution 60cc syringe with butterfly tubing, or ear lavage tip. Ear basin or emesis basin for outflow. Chux Otoscope Unsterile gloves Optional: goggles, bayonet forceps for provider. Turn to the last page, top says procedures associated with the sensory system. Refer to policy and procedure for “Ear Irrigation”. All of this info may be found in policy and procedures, as well as in packet provided to you during this in-service.
Before you begin Look at the order If no details use tap water only Other possibilities which need to be specified in the order may include -1/2 strength peroxide -Presoak with Debrox or Docusate Sodium. Before you irrigate the ear with the solution, you must have pt confirm the temp (if pediatric pt, have parent confirm temp).
STEPS Wash your hands. Assemble the equipment and supplies. Greet and identify the patient. Explain the procedure. Have patient sit down. Drape patient with waterproof barrier. Using otoscope visualize ear canal and tympanic membrane. Referece: Ch 13 Procedures associated with the sensory system. Pg. 310. Last page of packet but only observe.
inspect the affected ear with Otoscope
STEPS Instruct patient or parent to hold basin under ear to be lavaged. Fill emesis basin with warm water Put on gloves. Tilt the patient’s head toward the affected side. Fill the syringe. Gently position the auricle with the nondominant hand. With the dominant hand, place the tip of the syringe into the auditory meatus, and direct the flow of solution toward the roof of the canal.
STEPS Continue irrigation until returned solution is clear. Dry the patient’s external ear. Attempt to visualize tympanic membrane again with the otoscope. Report to provider results of ear lavage before discharging the patient. Document on patient record/EHR a brief description of procedure and patient’s response. Properly care for or dispose of equipment and supplies. Clean the work area. Wash your hands.