The Present Simple
When to use? To tell about regular actions. To tell about facts which are always true. For example: The sun always rises in the east. To tell about habits. For example: I drink coffee every morning. To tell about regular actions. For example: Tamar washes her teeth 3 times a day.
We divide all pronouns and subjects into 2 groups: The Subject We divide all pronouns and subjects into 2 groups: Singular (יחיד) I + Plural (רבים) He I She We They It Tomer You The boy The children Mother Tamar and I
We divide the verbs into 2 groups: Verb + s, es, ies Verb goes go watches watch cries cry plays play
Spelling Rules 1. In general, the third person singular is formed by adding an s to the base verb. I work He works 2. Verbs ending in ss,x,ch,sh,o add “es” to the third person singular. I dress She dresses You fix He fixes We watch She watches T.V. They wash She washes The boys go It goes ! 3. Verbs ending in consonant + y, changes the y to i and add “es”: I cry – He cries, We fly – She flies, You terrify - It terrifies
Positive Sentences Rest of Sentence Verb Subject to work every day. whenever she’s hungry. in the winter. goes cries rains He She It coffee every morning. them on holidays. very politely. drink go Visit talk I You We They
Helping Verbs We use the helping verbs : Some sentences in the Present Simple must be written with the use of helping verbs. These verbs are: do / does We use the helping verbs : In negative sentences: do not does not In yes /no questions: Do they…? Does she…? In wh questions: Why do you…? Where does she…? Very Important! When we use do / does the verb comes in the base form: He works He doesn’t work She washes She doesn’t wash
Negative Sentences Rest of Sentence Verb Subject to work every day. In order to form negative sentences we use the helping verbs: does not (doesn’t) or do not (don’t) Rest of Sentence Verb Subject to work every day. whenever she’s hungry. in the summer. doesn’t go doesn’t cry doesn’t rain He She It coffee every morning. them on holidays. very politely. don’t drink don’t go don’t visit don’t talk I You We They
Yes / No Questoions Rest of Sentence Verb Subject Helping Verb to work everyday? when she is hungry? in the winter? go cry rain he she it Does coffee every morning? work every day? them on holidays? Politely? drink visit talk I you we they Do
Wh Questoions Rest of Sentence Verb Subject Helping Verb Wh Word every day? ? go cry rain he she it does Where When every morning? to work? on the holidays? drink visit talk I you we they do What Who How
Wh Subject Question This is the only type of question in which: We do not use the helping verb do / does The verb will come with the s, es, ies For example: Who goes to work every day? Mother goes to work every day. What makes so much noise? The fridge makes so much noise.
Time Expressions One - word time expressions such as: always, often, generally, usually, normally, never, sometimes Will always come between the subject and the verb. He always gets to school on time. More-than-one –word time expressions such as: every day, once a week, on Sundays, in the summer Will come at the beginning or the end of the sentence Dvir visits his grandma on Saturdays.